Pretty funny O'Steen poster Butch but the story was hater-propagated. there was only a very short time of floodwater assessment initially where they were afraid to put people in danger there, then they opened it up as soon as they could. Once someone started the fake news, haters, and people quick to judge, jump to the conclusion that they stepped in to help only to save face. Not true based on their MO, or the reality of the situation for that matter. The church has done more for the community there and that particular flood than probably anyone. And in previous floods. O'Steen has a target on his back by people who want to put down him and Christianity in general but yet Christian altruistic community aid accounts for the vast majority of dollars raised in the community nonprofits I have been affiliated with. And the O'Steen church is a mega heavy hitter in that department. Christian humans as screwed up as they are contribute more than anyone else.