In The News...

Gotcha. Ive only heard the guy on the radio a few times. Didnt even know who he was until his hurricane PR mishap. Reading about him, he certainly lives quite the lifestyle. bling bling bling bling
I've been tuning in to him and others for many years. His Group is a mix of many groups and nondenominational for the most part. He's been more above reproach than any mega-preacher I have seen yet. That said, even with a quick assessment, ample fake news is waiting for preconceived notions.

I feel for you man. Can't hardly breathe here either. Willy and August have to be suffering too.
We have one up by the Mariposa and Nelder groves of sequoia. We thought my parents might have to be evac, but fire went south of them. Even the Sheriff and deputies were cutting lines around homes, no nomex. They had a spot fire get away today, so more evacs.

It got very real and crazy today for us. We were out of town about a hour away from home today to float a river(the mighty Shuswap) and right down the bank on the highway a fire had started just before we got there. The road hadn't been closed/stopped yet. Fire trucks were everywhere spraying flames right off the road and two or maybe three water bombers were making passes like right beside the highway. I saw one drop its load when we were scooting by. I swear it seemed like maybe 500' away tops. Pretty close to the action. It was wild.

Big props to all fire, rescue, and emergency people. Saving all our asses, literally.

Apparently like 10% of our province has burned this year. Larger than Ireland or Scotland and closing in on the size of the UK. And still lots of hot and dry in the forecast.
We had 1mm of precipitation in August. Average is 42mm. Hasn't rained in September yet and there's nothing but heat in the forecast. :|:
People are so stupid that parks and now forest service sites are getting closed. I'm waiting for a backcountry ban completely but the government is very reluctant to do it. I can't believe that people can't be a little more cautious.

This fire today was human caused, whatever it was I don't know. But there's been little to no lightning activity and fires keep magically lighting up beside roads.
If alcohol and other drugs were not in the mix, people's judgment would be better.

Maybe there should be an iq test before you can buy your road pops I guess? I don't know that I'd blame these fires on either alcohol or drugs. I'm not saying it may not have been involved(even though it's a long weekend up here and drinking driving enforcement is pretty strict inmy province) but I'd lay money stupidity is the main ingredient whether it be a improperly maintained vehicle, bouncing tow chains, a butt out the window, or whatever.
She said to cut back, but we both know it's really about time to just lay off completely, so to speak. I'll still have a drink when the odd occasion pops up, but that will be far and few between. I won't be buying or keeping any booze in the house anymore.

It's all good. I have no worries...
My hands always shake.

It's gonna be no problem, just like tobacco.

I always knew I couldn't smoke for the rest of my life... it's the same with drinking.