In The News...

That's such a massive red flag. It's not like they have any ground breaking teaching methods they want protected because a) most teachers want education methods to be open source and publicly available and b) proprietary teaching methods don't exist anymore. There are only so many different ways to teach a kid and I doubt their's differs substantially from anything already established. This immediately makes me suspicious of this school. As if they're doing something unorthodox that works for their niche following of paying parents, but would be considered cult-like for most parents and their children who aren't fodder for brainwashing. As if the parents who signed that NDA aren't talking about one another anyhow. Just some basic thoughts that came to my mind.
I'm going to maybe get crucified for saying this, but...Darwin award. I feel like every parent out there is going to call me insensitive, and I'm sure he was a great kid who had a momentary lapse of judgment...but this is natural selection at work. That doesn't mean it isn't tragic and horrible and regretful.

But he was pretending to hang himself with the rope of a swing while suspended at significant enough height to result in a fatality should he fall...and then slipped...

There's a reason you don't hear about this in the news very often. Highly unusual occurrence. Most children know not to wrap anything around their neck that isn't jewelery.

Incoming: Proposals to place bans on rope swings.

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"Natural selection at work"
"One less (moron) is a fine thing"

As a parent to 2 non parents, you guys strike me as really mean spirited, terrible people. It's a kid, and I get some people don't like kids but to vocalize such sentiments in the company of people that have children is opening yourself to judgement. And my judgement is that you're mean spirited and terrible people. Good job guys.
"Natural selection at work"
"One less (moron) is a fine thing"

As a parent to 2 non parents, you guys strike me as really mean spirited, terrible people. It's a kid, and I get some people don't like kids but to vocalize such sentiments in the company of people that have children is opening yourself to judgement. And my judgement is that you're mean spirited and terrible people. Good job guys.
I did say that nothing about the REALITY that this was natural selection at work (this part of our constant and continuous state of evolution as a species never stops performing its duties even for innocent children) doesn't mean that what happened to this kid "isn't tragic and horrible and regretful." Also, I'm in touch enough with what it's like to have a child to understand that my perspective might be upsetting to people who actaully have children and I'm sorry if I offended you or anyone else. Having said that, I do think it's beyond unnecessary to stoop to calling @stig and I "terrible people" simply because our beliefs aren't in perfect alignment with yours regarding one issue.
Relax, dude.
When I wrote that, I knew someone was going to get up on a soap box and preach at me.

Calling me " terrible people" is like calling chalk white.
Chalk, far as I know, doesn't get insulted either.

I got a vasectomy at age 23.
Might be a hint about how I feel about children.

Now, had it been a dog, I would never have written something like that.
But then most dogs ( French Bulldog might be an exception) aren't that moronic.

My comeback was actually going to be: " At least it wasn't a tax payer, so no great loss".
Then I mellowed out and did the dog quote instead.
Which Mick so elegantly shot down.

Now I'm in for it with all the owners of French Bulldogs as well as with all those too stupid to use a Condom.

Might as well go out behind the barn and end it, I guess.

" Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"
Something you'd do well to memorize.
Now, had it been a dog, I would never have written something like that.
But then most dogs ( French Bulldog might be an exception) aren't that moronic.
Precisely ZERO dogs in the history of EVER have pretended to kill themselves at height and then, subsequently, as a direct result of their failure to make quality life decisions, perished inadvertently due to untimely clumsiness. Therefore, all dogs are smarter than this lad in this regard. And the cycle of natural selection continues on, unabated by people with hurt feelings, to remove the weakest of mind and/or body from society.

If I were to ever make such a tragic, but foolish decision, I would want people to make note of it too so that people in the future know better and learn from my experiences without having their own experiences doing the same thing. This is life or death and you don't want emotional red tape around such an important area of discussion.

Nobody is making light of this tragedy. We are merely pointing out how stupid it was and, by accurately giving this behavior a label, people in the future know to shy away from it themselves. It doesn't belong in the same category of tragedies as fatal car crashes or intentional gunshot wounds or even freak accidents as a whole...this was purely a poor decision that resulted in an unintentional death. Just because some of you are hurt that I'm holding the decedent accountable for his own behavior doesn't mean I'm being a terrible human being.

By not sugar coating any of this, people can now readily identify this as a poor decision and avoid making it themselve and that, ladies and gents, is how we evolve.
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I think I read recent that 46 or 47 percent of street drugs (even pot) are now being found to be laced with fentanyl and that zombie drug in the US. Crazy shite.
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