In The News...

Happened in Australia as well. Australia held FB to account for not sharing attributes or paying for news it reposted from other sources. FB blocked Oz for a while, the Gov't held firm and....FB unblocked Oz.
It would be good if people always included their sources on the info they spread, but this is also another seemingly innocent and sensible excuse for information control.
Why Facebook Banned (then unbanned) News in Australia
Vox, Feb 25, 2021
Byline Sara Morrison
The article said 3 inspections on the crane were done since June!

Do we know what caused the collapse yet?
What are they hiding?

I’m wish I hadn’t read that. Now I’m going to walk around pissed for an hour. It will also come to the front of my mind periodically and I’ll be pissed again.
Good. You should be pissed and you should stay pissed.
I hear you. Really.

I exercise my voting power and those close to me know where I stand politically. I’m not afraid to speak out. I try to teach my kids right.

It’s just that too steady of a diet of todays politics (not just the Ukrainian war) makes me an angry person to the point it affects personal relationships. It’s hard to find the right level of involvement.

It’s a shame what this country is devolving into.
Who's going to change it and, when?
No one, I fear. At least not anytime soon. If someone could have fixed it, they would have already.

Our various “leaders” ways of thinking that got us here cannot get us out.

The only solace I find in this turmoil is through my faith in Christ. Eventually God will fix it. It just has to get worse before it’s made better.
It’s just that too steady of a diet of todays politics makes me an angry person to the point it affects personal relationships. It’s hard to find the right level of involvement.

I just laugh at the fact the politicians know no bounds and aren’t even trying to hide it any longer, try to change the things in my life to make it easier and better for my family and self. As far as “friends” go I don’t associate with anyone, even like minded people. Boring and simple living suits me fine. Not because I think I’m better than anyone, just the contrary. It’s just the time and energy spent trying to live up to their expectations is better spent making life better for me.
I just laugh at the fact the politicians know no bounds and aren’t even trying to hide it any longer,
Lewis Black did a skit on politicians and multinational corps. He said something like “ many years ago you go to a large hotel and you know that out of that many rooms, someone is screwing. You don’t see it but you just know it’s happening. Nowadays, they are screwing right in front of you without the decency to close the door”.

Black leans leans left but I still enjoy some of his stuff. I’ve also turned him off when a nerve was struck.
Man pays cash at a cashless store, they try to stop him

No one, I fear. At least not anytime soon. If someone could have fixed it, they would have already.

Our various “leaders” ways of thinking that got us here cannot get us out.

The only solace I find in this turmoil is through my faith in Christ. Eventually God will fix it. It just has to get worse before it’s made better.
Not a bad answer. The old testament prophets and what happened to Israel can be applied to Christ and the years after, with "Israel" now being the Christians. How faithful to God have we been? Is He always first? Do we keep his commandments and not "worship idols" (give money, self, technology, sports, ect too much importance)? If not, we can only expect to have happen to us what happened to Israel: the scourge of evil rulers, pestilence, natural disaster, drought, famine, and captivity by evil elites. We can only blame ourselves, because otherwise God would be our protector. Be converted with all your heart and do penance, it is quite the repetitive theme throughout the old testament. Read the short psalm 53 and Joel ch2 just to name a few.
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All of this cancel culture BS really grinds my gears. If it doesn’t fit the agenda it gets blocked or locked.
I'm a bit confused who everybody is mad at over this? Mad at FB for refusing to pay for original content and thus threatening or actually shutting off service to strong arm the Government, or mad at Governments holding FB to account to adequately remunerate business for original content?
I'm a bit confused who everybody is mad at over this? Mad at FB for refusing to pay for original content and thus threatening or actually shutting off service to strong arm the Government, or mad at Governments holding FB to account to adequately remunerate business for original content?
It seems that on most major platforms and media outlets the only “news” is that of the far left and woke ideology. Views opposing that ideology are either not reported on or are removed. People who may speak out against the status quo are investigated or are de platformed There are, obviously, exemptions to this norm.

One of the most egregious censorings was a Christian post on Facebook. I can’t remember what it was exactly but it was just a normal post about faith. It came up as censored and you had to intentionally open it. Facebook put a warning label on it. I truly believe that if that was done to a Muslim post, there would be instant outrage.
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Facebook would disappear if it was another religion that got censored.

I haven't seen exactly what news stories were causing the problem, because I don't use FB, but FB is a social media site where people sort of chat, right? So what's the difference between seeing a news story and telling people about it in person, even word for word, and telling people on FB? How do they define news that needs to be paid for? I guess Pfizer is not paying enough to keep the news agencies afloat.