In The News...

You are just so cute, "Bob".
Like good old white ( Or slightly off-white in summer) 'Mericans in other states NEVER shoot each other over nothing.
Define “large Glock” please. Seriously...they don’t make huge ones.

Well, to us spaghetti armed commies, those 33 ounces will do for " Large".
Gotta use both arms and have the little wife help out just to aim that thing.
As reprehensible as it is to the deniers, there is a certain group more prone to such behavior than others. I know, I’s “racist” to point it out, but such is life.

Y'all might wanna look at my take on Muslims before you pull that one.
But at least I'm honest about it.
That is why I insisted on using the N-word to you and "Bob", till Burnham weaned me of it.
Haha! Actually the 9mm Glocks aren’t as big as the 10mm/.45 Glocks. And none of them are as heavy as a good old-fashioned S&W revolver of the .44 mag class.

I honestly would have thought you scorned such wimpy guns.
Just the name should have you buying Freedom Arms in bulk.

That is a gun.
Thx, I did not see that info.

But 'diversity hires' suggests they were hired to abide by some quota rather than their being hired based on their qualifications to fill the position regardless of the origin of their last name.
He’d like to hear about how that awful white supremacy and those Confederate flags and statues are driving the natives to lives of crime...since their race is obviously innocent in the fiasco they find themselves in.
I'm not surprised by those articles. Both coal and oil are going to be around for a while longer. Popular or not.

In the meantime the political mandates to kill reliance on both fossil fuels is like pulling out of Afghanistan.

There's not enough wind, solar and battery infrastructure in place to "just jump off the fossil fuel wagon." The current high prices for fuel are not justifiable. There's plenty of oil and coal left to make the transition to alternate energy a smooth one.
The issue is people need a fire lit under their asses to get shit done, or we'll just keep doing the same stupid shit, and choking on our filth. Mandates on cleaner energy are good. If the goals aren't met, nobody's gonna be sitting in the dark. The gas and coal plants will fire to keep energy going, but the mandate will encourage faster technological improvement of cleaner energy.
Like taking a gun to work?
I take a gun to work daily. I lock it up in a safe if I'm climbing, but Rob has access to the key. I wear it if working ground. We have a lot of rattle snakes, bob cats, mountain lion, coyotes, bears, feral pigs, javelina, wild dogs. Rabid skunks and foxes can ruin your day too. Been verbally threatened by a two legged critter once for driving on his neighbors easement. Theatened my kids and pets too. We left the site. Reported it to the client and Sherriffs. They went and talked to him. We told the client we would not be back unless the put a restraining order on him. They declined. Later they had a party of guests over. He threatened them with a shot gun. Sherriffs hauled him out.
I probably would have shot him had we returned. Dumb luck I guess.
Right now, I alternate snake shot and hollow points in my 357. Just in case. More likely a 4 legged or slithering critter is going to get it. But...
Btw. We just had a shooting in town over drugs, not one block from where my son Levi and I were, at the saw shop. Bettrr safe than sorry my friends.
What .357 do you carry, Stephen? I keep a Glock 23 in the truck. Don’t carry while at work. But carry all the time when not “at work”.
I’ve taken to pocket carrying my S&W 642 when out and about here at home, loaded with three rat shot and then two hollow points. Snakes being biggest threat.

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