In The News...

(Couldn’t access it on NYT...had to find it elsewhere)

Yeah...the neighbors claimed to hear shooting like they’d never heard before...then went on to say it was ARs.....several ARs....and went on to say it sounded like Viet Nam. Uh-huh....and exactly WHO used ARs in Nam, I’m wondering?

So long as the guy is set up right, he’s not hurting anyone. Some friends and I have talked several times about going to one of those.
Uh damn near every ground pounding grunt and their brother used the AR or Armalite Rifle designated the M16 with its military only select fire.
Uh damn near every ground pounding grunt and their brother used the AR or Armalite Rifle designated the M16 with its military only select fire.
They used M-16s....NOT AR-15s.....there is a distinct difference.

Regardless, my point was, the nosy gun-phobe neighbors claimed it was shooting like they’d never heard, then went on to ID it as AR fire...then went on to say it sounded like Nam. Not the kind of folks I’d want to take the word of.
i am used to gunfire, but i honestly cant stand fireworks. i really dont understand how those things are legal. they really do make me think im in Nam. some of those things rattle the house i cant beleive the windows dont break. this last year the 4th of july was literally three months long.
I hear ya (lol), my next door neighbor lights off big ones in his back yard every year. Just too dang loud and powerful and makes my dog basically lose his mind, I gotta talk with him about it this year
I challenge you to discern the acoustic differences between 5.56 and .223 the trigger mechanism and select fire is all that separate an ar-15 from an M-16 . They are the Eugene Stoner design gas impingement closed bolt fire light rifle. Do I need to field strip and do a field machine and illegal auto sear 3rd hole mod and drop in a m4 or m16 trigger to prove that they are in fact the same gun. Those of us who were trained on them can convert them in our sleep we choose not to because it's not legal.
You’re obviously too well-schooled to be in the Karen-camp hating on ARs...

The auto sear is THE main difference. My issue is a gaggle of Nancies in the distance hearing a string of gunfire and muttering to themselves as they dig through their purses, “Oh, those dreaded ARs again....I hate that sound!” People like that wouldn’t know the difference in an AR, a Mini-14, or any other semi-auto that just happened to hold more than five rounds in the mag. And to say it sounded like Viet Nam is an insult to every man who went to Nam. I’d wager no Viet Nam vet who heard the same string of fire would say, “Yep, feels like I’m right back there...” Far as that goes, it could have been someone firing a Glock...or M&P...or FN....or some other evil gun. They all sound wicked to Karen...
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I’ve done some odd jobs at BSR and the training rounds seem louder than live fire. Maybe that’s what they’re hearing.

They use dummies.

Last time I was there they had put in a 1k meter range for big toys. Dummies aren’t used over there tho.
People complain about the sound of my internal combustion engines.🤷‍♂️ even complain about the company truck and insurance required backup horn.
Brittle ass snowflakes with serious 1st world bourgeoisie problems.
Do they complain about the sound, or how it affects them?

A lot of people prefer not to lose sleep because of neighbors' choices.

Down the street many blocks from my gf's house, the tow truck driver comes and goes from his house at all hours.
A diesel with a warning noise for reversing.

I'd be pissed to have to listen to my neighbor waking people up all the time.
I don't start chainsaws in the driveway and then drive off.

There is a balancing act between leaving one person alone to enjoy their freedom to do as they like, and directly imposing on others' freedom to enjoy their lives.
There is a balancing act between leaving one person alone to enjoy their freedom to do as they like, and directly imposing on others' freedom to enjoy their lives.

Absolutely. And there’s a balancing act as well in how regulations are meted out depending on where one lives. For those who choose to live in close proximity to others, they have more to take into consideration. I’d be horrified to live in a densely populated area.
Ah yes - Racism at its finest ! They are targeting whites especially those of German/ Nordic bloodlines. Could you imagine a campaign of “be less black” ? The lawsuits would overfloweth 😂
And lest ye be comfortable in your “whiteness”, Coca-Cola would like to remind you that that’s can’t make this stuff up...

Saw that a few days ago, some wannabe social justice idiot thought that would somehow help improve the division among races?
I lean left on many issues and truly hate racism in all forms but this pisses me off. This is racist. I’m not sorry for being white or Irish, I’m proud of my ancestry.
I’m less than a drop in the bucket in the big sales picture, but I still control where my money goes. I did prefer Diet Coke over Diet Pepsi, but the cherry Diet Pepsi beats both, so it’s that with our rum now :)
Here’s a breath of fresh air!
