In The News...

“until they start wanting to censor what I say/read/think. Then the humor is over.”

Yeah, that does lessen my sympathy for them. It’s sad there’s so many people that have no marketable qualities. I’m not saying this to be cruel but just take a look around. These poor bastards couldn’t get any attention if they set their selves on fire. Shaving half your head and painting the other half pink/blue/green/purple isn’t working. Christ, get a job, join Jenny Craig, drop the protest sign, adjust your attitude and just maybe some other freak will give ya a second look. Sometimes I think we need to start at the bottom and work our way up Gerry. Give these attention whores something to live for besides just being attention whores.
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Such a hullabaloo over so little...

Don't privately owned publishers have the right to decide whether they continue to produce old books that aren't selling as well as others?

Just another case of "watch this hand!"...

Meanwhile about 47 States are legislating hundreds of new voter suppression bills: A real attack on voicing of opinion and democracy, and not one complaint here...
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My books are banned from the Redwood National Parks book stores for using "Strong Language" My version of the parks history is not sugar-coated.

Their political correct version of history leaves many holes in the story of the redwood parks creation.

It's a rotten deal for me, as I invested over $100,000.00 in publishing costs and have 2 storage units full of books I can't move. Only one park "Humboldt Redwoods" sells my books, and they sell very well there. If it wasn't for HRSP the books would go to landfill.

Censorship. That's what it's all about.
Wouldn't want to do anything crazy like put a "Warning: Strong Language" sticker on it, and let people decide for themselves or anything :^S
Or possibly he strongly expressed opinions that aren't part of the parks' tourism campaign?

So Gerry, having intimate knowledge of of what it costs to publish material, would you advise publishers to keep producing items that haven't sold well?

Are you planning on investing another 100K and renting more storage units?

Producing an item doesn't mean others will sell or buy it...could be censorship or just good old capitalism...
It's plumb funny that the blacks don't want to "forget" their history...they even have a month to "celebrate" it. Since anything that reminds them of the Antebellum period is "offensive", let's strike it from the history books and act like it never happened. They'd be lost without that old "we built the U.S. with our free labor" garbage. I guess that period was their highlight. They won't work for a paycheck. And no, I don't mean ALL of them. The ones who want to work and make something of themselves do so. The ones I'm talking about sit by and whine and moan about what whitey "owes" them.
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Producing an item doesn't mean others will sell or buy it...could be censorship or just good old capitalism...

The same capitalism that wants to force businesses to add an extra bathroom for the fools who can't figure out their gender?
I call BS on a lot of the politically correct narratives going in the park system today. One of the more recent, which most folks here could understand, is National Geographics claim that professor Steve Sillet, in the 1990s, was the first person to reach the old-growth canopy, and his pioneering research is revealing a whole new world up there. Yeah, right.

But the fact is a number of college professors in the 1960s, from UC San Jose, were already in the old-growth canopy doing studies. And by the 1970s I was pioneering the climbing techniques for entering and traversing through the canopy that Sillet is using today.

I did extensive research to validate these facts, but the parks and national geo turn their backs to it. That's just one issue of many that I bring to light. 'Strong Language'. Oh yeah.

The crying shame is the very institutions I believed in most, as a young man growing up, turns out to be lying to us on so many levels.
Or possibly he strongly expressed opinions that aren't part of the parks' tourism campaign?

So Gerry, having intimate knowledge of of what it costs to publish material, would you advise publishers to keep producing items that haven't sold well?

Are you planning on investing another 100K and renting more storage units?

Producing an item doesn't mean others will sell or buy it...could be censorship or just good old capitalism...

In other words be a sellout to the propagandists, fuk the truth and go for the brass ring? Gerry doesn’t strike me as “that” person.
Wonder how we could blow up the controversial nature of Gerry's books,( ha, ha ). Somehow bring to light the difference what the park service would have you read and what Gerry writes. Make his book the book to read? Like really bring some attention to Gerry's books. Give him some National Press to make his books sell like crazy!!!
How could we do that?

Gerry, have you tried recently to reintroduce the books to the Parks? Maybe some of the old stodgy people have retired and new blood might look at them differently?
You could be right about that, G. I'm not giving up.

I recently added some books to Amazon Kindle. Redwood Parks Series. Plus I'm getting a new website built, which will include an e-commerce page. Should help a lot, and I'm investing more money. It's a labor of love. It truly is. Despite what some people think about it.

Thank you for the encouraging words, Gi Gi.