In The News...

Sunofabitch is also buying insurance companies.

Suddenly a rail road job aint so good.

I guess its pretty smart. Buy an insurance company that you will then use to supply the insurance "benefits" to your workers.

You get half their paycheck back!
I feel your pain. I'm doing services atm, hand digging holes and screwed pipe all day... not fun. Fiberglass is terrible too, and 2.5 is a bear!! Believe it or not, many large construction companies are all self insured, they have enough assets to easily cover themselves. He's owned gieco for a very long time tho, do out wouldn't surprise me if he was acquiring competitors, and with the baby boomers getting older it sounds like a wise move at the right price. What are you running fibreglass for? Not a common pipe for most normal applications...
It was injection water over on the oil field.

After they decided that they should inject production water back into the formation in an orderly manner to force crude to the good producers, we laid fiberglass all over hell.

Used to be they would evaporate the production water, then they just pumped it down old stripper wells all willy nilly like!
Nice, i could see it used for that lol. I've seen it mainly on steam condensate lines, and also certain chemical lines. That would totally suck screwing 2.5 full sticks together all day by hand. Builds some muscles, that's for certain :D
They were tons of fun unloading them from a pitching workboat 200' up to a jack-up rig. TONS OF FUN.
I read it...a Darwin thing. After the bite she continued the "trip of a lifetime" so she could be on the oh-so-nice yacht. She got her finger checked out a week later...yep...broken, infected, torn ligament...she's an idjit.
Very much your field of expertise Gary.

How do you see the chances of teaching kids to scuba and get them through 2 miles of underwater tunnels?
Cave diving is about the most dangerous thing you can do tho... that's even worse than saying here's a rope and a harness, climb el cap to safety lol
You are right, Mick et al...very dangerous stuff. Called "confined space diving". On the Dive Team we dive in black out conditions, usually "open" water area. You almost never see anything, sometimes not even your hand right at your mask. When there are tight spaces, some of our guys have trouble...vividly remember seeing one come up during a search for a possible drowning victim that may have been about 20 feet had to descend thru a sideways 80 foot oak tree that washed downriver in a flood. He didn't make that dive. I ended up going down about 10 feet into the tree that time to retrieve our boat anchor that was tangled in the tree...had to take my fins off to get thru the limbs. I pulled it off but it's not a happy memory.

That's the first I heard of a two mile distance..wondered how long it might be. That is super ripe for catastrophe. Blackout conditions and add tight spaces...lots of people could not handle it. Some people have trouble just breathing thru a snorkel, much less a mask. Panic comes very quickly in water and only takes a few seconds to be in a shat load of trouble.

Swimming those kids out sounds like a nightmare to me. In a clean, unobstructed setting with a full face mask and plenty of time to work up to it they could do it. Dark, dirty water, tight spaces, kids that might panic...bad situation.