In The News...

"Thousands of jobs making plastic bags" ? "Blue state ideology" ? "Conservative homeless and poor" ? I gotta call bs. Overpopulation by floods of immigrants and not enough industry leads to cali's problems, not to mention if I was gonna do drugs and live on the beach, that's the spot lol. Basically California is the new New York city from the early 1900s
Well, wouldn't you agree that California politicians encourage illegals (they aren't immigrants, immigrants enter legally) and pretty much all poor people to come feast on the best welfare programs in the country? If I had absolutely no desire to work for a living and wanted to live off the system then I'd look for the most generous free benefits I could find- and I'd move to California.
I don't think they encourage them, I think that there are very large populations of legal and illegal immigrants, and everyone just keeps going there because they feel the safest when they are in a group. These immigrants don't have skills that make them employable, and they become a huge drain on society. However they said the same about the Irish, the polish, etc in large eastern cities a century ago. I do completely agree that if you are poor, it's the place to be. Florida wouldn't be bad either :/: but California would be amazing. They are progressive, and they have policies that can enable some, but I don't think that was intentional, I think it was misguided and not thought out fully. I don't think that trying to help people is bad tho, just the way I am I guess. If I was homeless up here in Illinois I would just kill myself, too cold to even try lol.
Well if you were going to be part of the street people a southern climate would be an asset .FWIW right now it's 15 degrees out which is warmer than it has been .
Hate what CA has become.
Anyway. It is not just the immigrants. A lot of it is policy for aid.
We still have a rash of folks that are homeless or just plain lost about everything and are under employed.
Remember that bubble thingy not so many years ago when real estate crashed and people lost home on bad loans. Yeah, we are still feeling that here. Look up homeless in SF or LA. Plenty of news there.
A lot of industry has fled the state as well since it is so expensive to have a business here.
Stephen, I read an article saying Jerry Brown wants half the money that the new tax plan is going to save businesses in California. Guess he knows how to better spend it.