In The News...

And for a whole new level of "Holy Shit"...
Some places are broken and will never fix themselves.

Jackson Mississippi is one of those places. It really is the Detroit of the South. They just swore in Chokwe Lumumba. The son of a previous mayor (also Chokwe Lumumba) who oversaw one of the worst declines of a U.S. city. He was also a member of the Republic of New Afrika.

You can read more about that here. (You should read it)

Somebody please tell me this is fraudnews...

Well, here is the new mayor being sworn in and playing the Soviet national anthem.

At about the 8:30 mark.

the father died after only seven months. had some ideas like fixing roads and making the garbage pickup more effecient... typical mayor talk, then he died. Many people who opposed him initially became quite supportive of his short leadership.
Just to clarify so your sympathies be justified, he wasn't captured in his country, he's Canadian born and a Canadian citizen. He's a mercenary or "foreign volunteer", some differing distinction between the terms. Wouldn't that make him a traitor to Canada since he still has Canadian citizenship and was fighting on the opposite side from Canadian troops? By United Nations declaration, if the guy is technically a mercenary, he's subject to being treated humanely as an enemy combatant is supposed to be if captured, but instead of being simply a captured enemy combatant by definition, he may well be legally classified as a common criminal, possibly one facing execution, as it's illegal to be a mercenary.
His side of the story is that as a fifteen year old guantonomo prisoner his 'confession' was given under duress.

So he's sued our government for a failure to protect their own citizen. Maybe we should send Bob the bill?
All those jihadists with guns get some kind of wages after joining the team, but is it enough to technically qualify to be a mercenary? There is looting that might add to it. Rugs showing up on eBay?

As far as under duress, I thought that after his release he apologized to the families of victims.
Further to Bob's comment too. Up here Trudeau would have had zilch, zero, nada in the say of a courts legal decision. So I don't even know how he factors into it whatsoever?
Gives him the chance to show off a new "funny and ironic" play on words.

You know the sort of thing Moochelle, Killary, Obama.

Vanillabama is lamer than most.
To clarify. Because we know how awesome the media is.

1. Our Supreme Court ruled that Omar's rights had been violated. No dollar amount on renumeration was suggested.

2. The liberal ruling government made this settlement of 10.5m to limit our countries exposure to further costly litigations. It's done this to settle it, cut off further legal proceedings and limit the possibility of a more costly deal in the end.

Atleast that's how it reads to me?
"Are you a real racist, or do you just play one on an internet forum?"

1: Anti 1A
2: Can't find the ignore feature

Omar's conviction was obtained by the US. I think that the prison in Cuba completely falls under the auspices of the USA. He was sent to Canada to serve the last part of his sentence, something like 2 1/2 years, which he agreed to with a plea deal. I haven't heard before of a country compensating one of it's citizens because another country violated that person's rights. If his rights had been violated, I guess the Canadian supreme court said they were to some degree, it's hard to figure just where Canada's responsibility lies in the matter. 10.5 million for 2 1/2 years as compensation for incarceration sure dies seem like a lot.

Also, in Canada, aside from some guidelines that have been set up, it seems that there is no formal law that says that a person who has been falsely convicted and incarcerated as a miscarriage of justice, shall receive financial compensation. In Canada too, youth can be tried as adults. It sure does seem that the guy really came out with a good arrangement to get so much money.
What I read was the Canadian government was complicit in his detention and interrogation at gitmo and that is how they violated his rights.
Oh, so it goes back to the beginning, I see. Thanks for the clarification. How Canada was complicit would be interesting to understand.
I agree the compensation is ridiculous. But. I have to trust the governments lawyers were staring down the barrel of spending more than that so negotiated a settlement.

I did read that the widow of the deceased medic who Omar was convicted of killing received a ruling of something like 134million for damages against Omar in a Us court. And now apparently they are trying to register a case against him in Canada too. So maybe Omar's money will eventually go to her? Or probably mostly all to lawyers.
Technically he's a victim, as it's against international law to recruit or use people under the age of eighteen in armed conflicts. Maybe he could sue Al-Qaeda for another ten mil...