Seriously though. There's to many stupid people out there for everyone to have all the rights they want. IMO.
Jim, a question I must ask the "you must pay me to get a permit to cut a tree on your own property" people is, where were they when these subdivisions were clearcut and dozed? If their concern is truly about the welfare of natural flora, why aren't they throwing their bodies between the pines and the feller bunchers outside of their HOAs or city limits? I can't speak for all areas, but here, it's all about the money.Dont tell me NOT to cut it down.........
I just dont understand why everyone wants everything banned.
Funny a bunch of tree cutters would want cutting down trees banned.
We are all SO busy......shit. We even have services to bring each meal to your door. Blue Apron and others.
I struggle to see the environmental benefit of hiring a truck that had to drive hundreds of miles to deliver you one free range organic egg. No plastic I guess!
We are a single serving, one time use culture. To embrace that and then want to ban plastic is silly.
I wouldn't live in a city either Justin. In most cities it's all about money and control, simple as that. As Jim said, they might be trying to assuage their guilt for paving 99% percent of the landscape, but as far as making an ecological difference, not. Beware of jumping on the ban-wagon, before you know it your way of life can be banned out of existence as well.Tree permits/protection work. Is the reality. Without them you get an urban clearcut and with them you get tree retention.
Don't like it? Don't live in a city. I don't.
City's need trees.