In The News...

Dont tell me NOT to cut it down.........
Jim, a question I must ask the "you must pay me to get a permit to cut a tree on your own property" people is, where were they when these subdivisions were clearcut and dozed? If their concern is truly about the welfare of natural flora, why aren't they throwing their bodies between the pines and the feller bunchers outside of their HOAs or city limits? I can't speak for all areas, but here, it's all about the money.
There were people throwing themselves between the pines and the feller bunches.... They were cast as fringe lunatics and arrested. A few of them were organized and went the proper route through their city and local governments to ensure that heritage trees would be protected for the sake of the entire community. now the governor thinks that it should be illegal for a community to organize itself in this way. Likewise the state of Michigan made it illegal for communities to organize against plastic bags.
That's a great example, plastic bags along with disposable plastic drink containers SHOULD be banned. The average consumer is not responsible or intelligent enough to see or care about the harm done from these convenient purchases.
I just dont understand why everyone wants everything banned.

Funny a bunch of tree cutters would want cutting down trees banned.

We are all SO busy......shit. We even have services to bring each meal to your door. Blue Apron and others.

I struggle to see the environmental benefit of hiring a truck that had to drive hundreds of miles to deliver you one free range organic egg. No plastic I guess!

We are a single serving, one time use culture. To embrace that and then want to ban plastic is silly.
Tree permits/protection work. Is the reality. Without them you get an urban clearcut and with them you get tree retention.

Don't like it? Don't live in a city. I don't.

City's need trees.
I just dont understand why everyone wants everything banned.

Funny a bunch of tree cutters would want cutting down trees banned.

We are all SO busy......shit. We even have services to bring each meal to your door. Blue Apron and others.

I struggle to see the environmental benefit of hiring a truck that had to drive hundreds of miles to deliver you one free range organic egg. No plastic I guess!

We are a single serving, one time use culture. To embrace that and then want to ban plastic is silly.

Jim. Factory eggs stuff into a reusable bag just as easily as organic, same as pops and chips. I'm missing your point, if there is one?
My point is.......hmmmm.........

Oh, yeah. Plastic is not the problem. Our lifestyle and how we consume is the problem.

Banning plastic bags is as useful as mandating recycling.

You can buy all the useless shit you want as long as it does not come in a plastic bag? Bullshit.

You cant cut down as many trees as you want in my town. Dont like a tree? Git rid of it!

You know the result? It is classified as a Tree City USA.

Erhmegerred! The trees!

Yep, there are trees everywhere.
Baby steps Jim. Banning plastic bags forces people to make better decisions.

Hell up here they aren't banned, they just charge for them. Another way to force people to do the right thing.

If you don't hold onto your freedoms so dearly and if your government and big business wasn't so corrupt. Something could be done about mass over conscimption. But I guarantee you wouldn't like it.
Better decisions? Like what? Going to the store 10 times per week with your burlap sack? People buying groceries for just one meal?

Hiring a transportation business to bring you one meal at a time?

Plastic bags are just the low hanging fruit. A way to assuage your guilt about the stoopid shit we just have to buy. Same with recycling.
It has nothing to do with guilt for me. I have like 10-20 reusable grocery bags. I didn't need a law or legislation or whatever to inform me that that was a better idea than bringing home endless plastic bags to go to the landfill.

But others apparently do need a little more direction with some basic things.

I agree with all the other issues you pointed out and our mass consumerism. But why not take the low hanging fruit. Easy peasy has a better chance of some success than stepping back and trying to figure out how to solve the whole damn dilemma.
The only thing I have against the low hanging fruit is that it shifts awareness away the issues that really matter. Ban plastic bags.......well, we have done all we can! Lets pat ourselves on the back.

Like curly Q light bulbs.

People today are making better decisions than they ever have, in spite of what is pushed on us with advertisements.
Whereas I see the opposite. Perhaps banning plastic bags for even a small few might make the light bulb(curly Q or otherwise) come on and heighten someone's sense of environmental impact.

It can't be all or nothing. Because it will be nothing then. Might as well take a little, if that's all that's realistic. Walk before you can run kind of thing to me.
Those are good points.

As a pessimist, I never take anything at face value, and I dont like outright bans.

I imagine the same kind of folks that run advertising agencies run outfits that ban this and that.

Instead of using a big pair of boobies to sell cologne, they use baby seals to ban plastic bags.

I dont trust any of it to actually make a difference.
That I can agree with. We're all going down in flames sooner or later. But atleast we won't be covered in melting plastic bags. :D
Back to tree retention bylaws. I've seen where they have the opposite effect. They mostly protect larger trees, so some people will cut down their trees before they reach that size to avoid having to be forced to keep the tree forever more. Also some people won't bother planting a tree in the first place to avoid the onerous bylaws.

Double edged sword.
Tree permits/protection work. Is the reality. Without them you get an urban clearcut and with them you get tree retention.

Don't like it? Don't live in a city. I don't.

City's need trees.
I wouldn't live in a city either Justin. In most cities it's all about money and control, simple as that. As Jim said, they might be trying to assuage their guilt for paving 99% percent of the landscape, but as far as making an ecological difference, not. Beware of jumping on the ban-wagon, before you know it your way of life can be banned out of existence as well.
Late to the discussion as usual. Damned time difference.

Jim, you clearly don't have a dog in this race.
As a certified arborist, I can see that your "tree" is in fact an overgrown bush.
So, there.

Would you have felt that anybody who happened to own the property, where Anne Frank's Horse chestnut grew, simply had to cut it down.
"Because it kept the sun from their patio"?

What about the Stagg tree. 5th largest in the world.
That is on private property.

For all I know, The Jomon Sugi might be.

The Muntezuma cypress is.

Lets cut them down and pulp them.

The Kölner Dom belongs to the Catholic church, why not let them wreck that and sell the rubble as land fill.
See, what I'm getting at, or is this just some of the usual commie bullshit to you?