In The News...

30 people watching, 2 cameras, apparently most said don't do it.
I mean the net is full of insane chit but this just seems to take the cake.
Wonder if her husband died on the spot or had anything else to say. "Don't blame yourself, honey", might have been worth at least something.
The anti-gun people are going to run with this. "If there had been no guns around they never even would have thought of it".
I saw that film. Er, tried to watch it, turned it off after 15-20 minutes, seemed unwatchable and over the top. Brad being bizarre Brad. McCrystal is portrayed as an utter buffoon, no nuance.
Well that was just my opinion. I agree, the movie trailer looked interesting.

I followed McCrystal's career a bit and read his book A Team of Teams, none of it suggested anything but a very bright, high achieving guy. So seeing him portrayed like an insensate klutz in the movie made me think this is just more Rolling Stone style straight up garbage BS.

Rolling Stone has always seemed mostly like junk to me, but after they published that outrageous story last year of a campus rape at University of Virginia last year, which at first seemed so appalling but then seemed a bit hard to believe after just thinking about it some, and sure enough turned out to be total fabrication and was retracted, I fully realize they are a completely worthless, massively biased entity.
I enjoyed the film. They really screwed McCrystal over.

The closing shot was a cool ending.
And for a whole new level of "Holy Shit"...
Some places are broken and will never fix themselves.

Jackson Mississippi is one of those places. It really is the Detroit of the South. They just swore in Chokwe Lumumba. The son of a previous mayor (also Chokwe Lumumba) who oversaw one of the worst declines of a U.S. city. He was also a member of the Republic of New Afrika.

You can read more about that here. (You should read it)

Somebody please tell me this is fraudnews...

Well, here is the new mayor being sworn in and playing the Soviet national anthem.

At about the 8:30 mark.
I don't understand any of that article.

Since when did it become unlawful to kill invading troops?