Yeah it's small stuff with lots of wires per strand, and it was crappy lighting, and i was off and on again on it because it was only while the apprentice was welding

. If one of those little wires comes undone it'll do that, and it was a quick deal so i didn't even tape the ends. Here's the exact moment that it went to shit, or rather when i said eff it and just continued. I'm gonna have to handle it daily so i wrapped it really well with electrical tape, and I'll see if i can't hunt down some shrinkwrap to finish it off better. It's a quick crappy one, and it'll work for it's intended purpose, but yeah that would normally have been a cut off.
@Kaveman It's not hard at all, hell even i can do it (kinda lol), and it's stupid handy to know how to do for different stuff. I do the flemish eye where you split the rope in 2 parts, go right over left and it'll snap back together, then you just braid the eye back together. If you wanted you could then simply twist the end back together and add a single rope clip or siezing and you have 70 percent strength, not for lifting obviously but it only takes a min or so to do. I wanted it nice (yes i failed kinda lol) so i tucked the strands and did the whole splice. Once it's all good you tuck all the strands once, then roll tucks up the line. Beat it with a hammer to fair it and then deal with the ends. Nothing to it, i use a little scratch awl normally just for picking up a strand but for that tiny stuff i used it as the marlinspike too. It's not much different than 3 strand, just more of it to deal with and it's not very flexible, so you just roll up the rope to where you can do it easily and then roll it back down. Get a little screwdriver and a vise and try it one day, you'll be surprised that it's not that bad, just make sure to wear safety glasses and leather gloves.
I had about 5 feet left over, so I'm doing little grommets out of that for random things. I'm strangely better at those than the eye splices, so I'll grab some pics of them tomorrow. Half tempted to make a rod holder out of some scrap leather i have and use the wire grommets for holding the shape top and bottom and for the attachment loop. I might even make a few bolt buckets with some bigger wire, that would be super handy to have and a good lesson/gift for the apprentices, since one is currently using an empty can of welding rod to store his stuff