How'd it go today?

I was sick as a dog and my functions weren't operating correctly. I was worried there for a while... I was getting a firsthand look at dementia...
yeah no doubt that was a crazy rough patch, but much better now.
Well the terrible winter storm they predicted wasn't in the cards here. No excitement, no drama...almost enough snow to cover the grass though...

Been up about 4 hrs...getting ready to do some recording/practice time my little 8-track machine 'til about dawn.

Butch, I can relate to the lack of tree work related stuff to post. Same here since I retired. I still love coming here's just more about the people here than it is about the trees, for me, anymore.
Lots of silos there...are they all full of corn? We have 3 at our farm...Grandaddy used to keep corn in they have "stuff" (junk) stored in them.
Just when I was ready for a simple job to build some momentum and fill up a day, I got contacted from an established customer with some easy, small trees to put on the ground, then at another job, a smaller tree, mimosa, IIRC, to cable and brace, having done the reduction already.

Dry tomorrow, then some snow coming in.
Mostly good day today. Knocked out a friend's 45ft douglas fir pinned up against his house in the morning. then dealt with a gnarly 80ft dead ash stick along a driveway on one side, and house's utility lines on the other. Had to set a remote rigging point in tree across the driveway, and it took 3 throwlines and a climb to situate it. :X:X:X
Then set climb line in tree behind the dead stick, and rigged the split leads out of the top 30ft, then chunked the stick down to 12ft before running out of daylight. Will only take an hour tomorrow to drop stick, cut into firewood lengths, and get paid from both. :boogie:
Mostly good day today. Knocked out a friend's 45ft douglas fir pinned up against his house in the morning. then dealt with a gnarly 80ft dead ash stick along a driveway on one side, and house's utility lines on the other. Had to set a remote rigging point in tree across the driveway, and it took 3 throwlines and a climb to situate it. :X:X:X
Then set climb line in tree behind the dead stick, and rigged the split leads out of the top 30ft, then chunked the stick down to 12ft before running out of daylight. Will only take an hour tomorrow to drop stick, cut into firewood lengths, and get paid from both. :boogie:

This frustration I know with intimacy...but hold the faith, all that piss off effort will have made the ending situation smoother by miles.
Drizzle and 44°. Did a little field work, built a connector for a new battery, and hung out at the office. I was considering doing some brushcutting/tree removal, but I wasn't feeling it today. I need to find some saplings this spring, and start planting them in the areas I'm clearing to eventually cut off sun from the trash plants. It was pretty dense this past summer, but looking at it now, it didn't really amount to much. I've got 'em on the run. Just keep it knocked back as it grows, and it'll eventually be a nice little woods.
Nice start to the day with a pretty blanket of snow, but melting fast in Sunny areas, sticking in the shade. A fluffy 1.5".

Did some enjoyable, easy tree work, no clean-up. Hung some small trees leaning on/ leaning over a fence from overstory trees. Folded up a 10" dead fir into a small area by leaning it into another, with a high-facecut, then making a low-facecut the opposite way, shortening it a solid 12', and leaving it at a low angle to slice down.

Lunch at home. Fed the fire. Grabbing some cabling gear and out for a sunny afternoon.
The 'no clean up' sounds good. That's what I like about the treework I do. I don't do as much as I'd like, but it's pretty much all the fun stuff, and none of the lame work. I tear things up, and clean as much as I feel like. Granted, I clean to /my/ standards, but my standards aren't very stringent., so most of what I do sits where it lays, or gets tossed in a ravine or pond. Easy :^)
I caught some stomach bug and have had my cheeks firmly planted on the toilet for the past 24 hours. I think it's past now but I haven't eaten anything in 24 hours so we'll see.
Drizzle most the day here too. But we had a nice fire burning all the dead trees from a fire going. Probably pulled more than 2 cord of kiln dried oak out of there shared between a couple house holds. Burned the rest. More fun.
I wish i had more gigs that i could set up a high line or winch some stuff. The ground is pretty flat in my neck of the woods, damn glaciers.