How'd it go today?

Lots of crazyness to catch up on!
On the road again to Dehli. Jaipur is amazing i highly reccomend visiting. About six and half hours we should be there.
Damn Bob, sorry about your friend. That's terrible.

Only had about a silver dollar sized area hit, by about 2" trunk wood, the top of the tree was gone above that. I was almost far enough away. I opted to sidestep and deflect a little, over trying to run with trailing native blackberry vines to snag on, some shitty little holly weeds to fall over, and branches all about the forest floor to fall on. Rather see what I was up against. If it was a bigger piece, I'd have dove out of the way.

Yes, careful, I've got a long way to go. Was thinking about being careful earlier in the day...injured is not a good way to work or play.

If I bruised easily, or maybe normally, I'd definitely have a bruise. If I can keep it from swelling, there probably won't even be a mark.

I try to imagine what MMA is like. That was one strike, and I was thinking Holy frig. I thought about it right there, trying to imagine punching someone. I couldn't make a fist, even though it was all extensor muscles that got the chop. It was weird. Fine now.
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I got steamrolled by a short beech log today.
I knew it was going to roll towards me when I bucked it off, so I was ready for that.
What I wasn't ready for was the damned thing jumping at me like it was rabid or something.
Ended up flat on my back with some 600 pds of log across my left leg.
I can't benchpress 600 pds and I couldn't get a good enough grip on it to roll it off me.
Fortunately I was wearing my Wescos with new sharp caulks, so I could get a grip with the sole of my right boot, roll it off and eventually get free.
Otherwise I would have been stuck under it till break time 2 hours later, when Richard would have checked up on me.
That would most likely have messed my leg up badly to be without circulation for that long.
As it is, My thigh muscles are somewhat crushed, I'll be stiff and gimpy tomorrow.

Did I mention the sun was shining today, we don't get much of that lately :)
Stig, glad you're ok.

This accident you’ve had, it’s not the first in the recent past.
You're older than me iirc.

Just saying like.
Logging is a dangerous business, more so that arborist work IMO.

I have been fairly unlucky the last couple of years, that is true.
I don't think that has anything to do with my age, I see plenty of younger people getting busted up in the woods.
Goddamn! Glad you’re ok Stig!
Do you carry a cell phone or radio or anything to communicate if you get stuck like that?
Yes, but today we were in a phone dead zone.
We are very strict about contacting each other at set times.
No contact and we'll investigate.

That usually comes as a shock for new apprentices when they forget to call in and everybody come rushing over to see what is wrong.
They never forget again.

Speaking of apprentices, the new one is coming along fine.
He has been bucking tops for 2 weeks just to get used to seeing the chainsaw as a friend, instead of being scared of it.
This week I started him on falling.
There was a group of smaller trees in the old stand , we are working, just right for a newbie.

I numbered them and put arrows on them as a help.

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Glad you’re here to tell the tale. Be safe out there everyone!

I’m running #3/0 AWG cable for sub panels today. Main panel locked out; being safe.
Very good idea. Mandated by the site you’re at or just locked it out yourself? Never know who might come along and flip a switch or open a valve or turn something on.
Lockout violations here are a fast and easy way to get fired.
Damn, Stig. Glad you're not worse.

Ever considered air-horns. They make them small. Amazon product ASIN B00YVO4WHS
Logging is way more dangerous that working in someone's backyard.
My logger neighbor said you don't really run into old, dumb loggers. All the dumb loggers got killed early on, when young.
^^^Some of the smart ones too! Shit happens sometimes... Glad you're ok Stig.

I didn't do a damned thing today. Drove an hour to a job to layout some road, but they weren't really ready for it. Drove back to the office, picked up some shitty stakes on the way(half the ones I got were unusable), and put a connector on my new battery so I don't have to use the adapter I made. Hope I did it right. I'm not the most skilled solderer, and I didn't test it before putting it back together. If it doesn't work, I can still use my adapter, and I'll take it apart and do it again.
Friend rolled a crane today

That's rough, Bob..Looks like a 55 ton?

Stig, that's crazy.

I remember when I was knee high to a grasshopper, was watching down n dirty loggers in Maine, one was cutting logs into to pulp length on a pile in the landing, and as he told his buddy later, 'that god damned log chased me off the pile!!" Young me said to me self 'well that's silly, a log can't chase anyone'

But yeah, as time wears on, come to find out some logs sure enough will jump at ya "like it was rabid or something" Great turn of phrase Stig
Glad you're ok Stig. That kind of stuff will render you done right quick. Surprised you are not using the Senas in your helmets for just in case. Love them for if we have to split our resources falling and bucking. Sometimes I can't even see the guys, but they can hear me and each other.
I took over the felling today for the most part. Tighter lays and much denser population of save trees. I had a few that could’ve been ugly for jimmy to fell. He likes to hang around a bit to long. About half of them folded in half on me. The good part is there isn’t much to buck after they do that
Bob, hope your buddy heals up ok...heck of a sacrifice on his part.

Stig, close man...hope you're not too banged up to keep on keeping on.

Well, the new ABS block came for my brake system today and it's the wrong one...shipping back overnight & more waiting...

Meanwhile, dealing with NAPA on the kit with the wrong line included...ends up we have to buy another whole kit, replace the line I need with the extra wrong one they gave us, and return the whole kit, 'cause they won't just exchange the wrong line for the right one.:|:
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I guess I should put my Echo 2511t oil cap on tighter, or its stripping out or something. Not once, but two times in the same tree. Sheesh. Didn't wear hardly any of it, luckily.

On the flip side, I happened to come down out of the tree, to refill, and met my newest customers in the driveway, at my friends', around the corner from me, where I was working today.

The second time, I sent the saw down to my friend to fill.

Another make a mess and leave type job! Firewood for their family, and opening up a doug-fir monoculture (old timber planting) to more light for a new generation of trees, and more area for them to use in their backyard. Their garden is crazy big.
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The caps on the 2511 are a little weird. It's easy to get stuff on the rubber, and it'll either leak, or you have to crank on it to get a good seal. I also don't like the plastic stays. I wish echo would use string. It's easier to deal with.
Stig: Not your humble opinion. Logging is more dangerous than tree service up one side and down the other. I thank God yer alright. Wescos... HA!!!

Bob: Ohhhh..... mannnnn..... God bless that poor guy, man. Ohhh, mann.... I was sorry to hear about that. I pray he makes a speedy and good recovery.
Stig, glad to hear you got out of that one. As Steve (@CurSedVoyce) mentioned, probably a good idea to have either Senas or walkie talkies to help cover assets, especially in those cell dead zone areas.

Day 2.5 of the 4 day job (spent the morning mounting/testing out the Senas in my and the brush monkey helmets; needed for today's tree):

110 ft. Green Ash in tight quarters next to the house and fences (in the center next to roof corner):


From the back yard:


These folks are on the top of the same mountain (really hill) range I'm on, but I still get a nice view up there (and see the 25 miles out to the county college I went to in the 80's):


Almost every piece had to be rigged out due to the tight quarters, so I was able to get all the limbs and the 3 stem top out, along with another ~15ft of the stem blocked down to leave us a ~65 ft stem to do tomorrow AM b4 the snow gets here:


Added bonus: 30 deg., biting cold, NE temps with 30mph winds up high. Lotsa shaking on my end off the job... :big-dance2:

@SeanKroll The name's Brian; I do have it listed in my profile, albeit somewhat slyly.... ;)
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Yikes, quite a run of injuries out there!
Stig, get some attention for the crush injury...I dropped the butt of a branch on my thigh once, I still have a dent in the muscle, damaged the fibres. Physio told me I should have come to see her earlier than I did