I got steamrolled by a short beech log today.
I knew it was going to roll towards me when I bucked it off, so I was ready for that.
What I wasn't ready for was the damned thing jumping at me like it was rabid or something.
Ended up flat on my back with some 600 pds of log across my left leg.
I can't benchpress 600 pds and I couldn't get a good enough grip on it to roll it off me.
Fortunately I was wearing my Wescos with new sharp caulks, so I could get a grip with the sole of my right boot, roll it off and eventually get free.
Otherwise I would have been stuck under it till break time 2 hours later, when Richard would have checked up on me.
That would most likely have messed my leg up badly to be without circulation for that long.
As it is, My thigh muscles are somewhat crushed, I'll be stiff and gimpy tomorrow.
Did I mention the sun was shining today, we don't get much of that lately