How'd it go today?

Lol Cory, it kinda felt like that. But no self respecting fitter would need all of those tools, because a pair of channellocks is also called a channel hammer, screwdriver, or bottle opener depending on the job :/: :lol: cool trick, take a grinder to the tip of the handle you grab with your fingers and grind a flathead screwdriver on it. Don't do the one that rests in your palm, because that's the one that applies the force and it will dig into your hand. We use them for a bunch of stuff, like installing valves and bolts, a hold back when tightening said bolts, 3/4" and down threaded pipe, installing hangers, loosening shackles, as a small hammer, and even as a spacing tool for weld gaps when you have the screwdriver handle. You also use them to mess up threads on pipe hangers so vibration can't back the nuts off. Neat trick so you always have a screwdriver with you, as usually i only carry a pair of channellocks and a tape measure when i work.
I can’t believe I never thought of that Kyle. Guess I’ll be using a grinder at some point tomorrow. Now, any tool can be a hammer or even a missile, depending on my mood:):X

Today went ok. Finished some removals for a powerline relocation at the sewer plant and worked late to do the restoration work because of rain tomorrow. Raked out,seeded,and strawed any grass areas and lightly coated the parks walking path with two tons of bug dust (aka really fine limestone). Don’t ask me why anyone would think a walking trail that runs through a sewer plant would be a good idea. It’s been warmer and this has caused me to dread the work we need to do this summer there.
Congrats Brett!

Fuster cluck of a day. I was supposed to get acupuncture after dropping my son off at school. My truck barely made it back home, dropped two coil packs. Had to phone a friend to get a ride for parts.
But the weather, 72 today, chance of snow Friday night? I’m in agony.
The wheel bearing showed up for the cops Suzuki, thankfully the neighbor lady could come help, I just couldn’t get up and down. Then she got called, her stepson overheated his car. Off with the trailer we went.
No rest for the wicked! I’m hoping to hole up and cry the next few days.
Mama just lectured me for not calling her to tell her I was buying parts......
I was just happy the purchase went through and I could fix my shit to pick my son up from school, how does a brother win?
I've had acupuncture before by a real pro and found it very releasing. Like a deep tissue massage would be. Hard to explain really but massive tension and toxin release.
accupuncture is not something you have to 'believe' in if you have a real practicioner . This gal was traditionally trained in some far off land that she was born in. It wasn't like a college course she took. And let me tell yah i went into it very skeptical. Since she moved I've never gone to any other acupuncturist 's fearing grave disappointment.
Placebo effect is tremendously powerful but since acupuncture works on animals too, that would seem to indicate efficacy
This is certainly the time, 6 weeks in, that I dislike storms.

Had my spurs, lanyard, saddle, rope at the base of the tree today, and said, "nope, I'm very tired. I'd be rushing to finish in time, on top of it."

Put the gear up, packed the truck, made it to Dahlia's parents/ teacher conference on time, and not covered in sawchip dust. Guys loaded a trailer while I was gone, which I picked up on the way home, after grocery shopping, and picking D up from school.

Guess I'm stupid or just driven -- the inner determination makes me finish what I start, bulldoggedly. But maybe different if you haven't even left the starting gate!
When I feel like that, I simply tell one of the youngsters to do the job:D

Had an easy day. Taught the apprentice some of the finer points about pruning while working on a 150 year old Apple tree.
Wish I'd brought my camera, it really came out well.
Since we were finished early, we went home to my place and I had him work on a birch that was crowding a Walnut.

I sat in a lawn chair in the spring sun and directed him , while of course forcing him way out in the thin stuff, it being a teaching exercise.
Tough, but someone had to do it.

I doubt he'll ever make a good climber.
Way too scared and uncomfortable up there.
We'll give him a couple months more, then tell him.

He is coming along really well as a faller and I have way more use for a good faller than a shitty or even decent climber, so there will still be a job for him.

Today we dropped 200 grand for a feller buncher.
Got enough work lined up for it to take the plunge.

It'll take about 1 month for it to be built to our specifications, then Richard will have to learn to run it.

I'm really excited about this, a completely new direction for us.

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