Lol Cory, it kinda felt like that. But no self respecting fitter would need all of those tools, because a pair of channellocks is also called a channel hammer, screwdriver, or bottle opener depending on the job
cool trick, take a grinder to the tip of the handle you grab with your fingers and grind a flathead screwdriver on it. Don't do the one that rests in your palm, because that's the one that applies the force and it will dig into your hand. We use them for a bunch of stuff, like installing valves and bolts, a hold back when tightening said bolts, 3/4" and down threaded pipe, installing hangers, loosening shackles, as a small hammer, and even as a spacing tool for weld gaps when you have the screwdriver handle. You also use them to mess up threads on pipe hangers so vibration can't back the nuts off. Neat trick so you always have a screwdriver with you, as usually i only carry a pair of channellocks and a tape measure when i work.