How'd it go today?

Had to take a break from plownin'

Nice day! ... Who is that masked man?

Today I spent most of it on a hard cold floor taking notes for sound board for my daughter's dance teacher. The dance studio is small, no chairs. Amazing how cold can be transmitted all the way up an older man's spine.
The dance recital is coming up and they lost their sound man. I volunteered.
Looks like I may be on my back over at the shop once I warm up. Clutch issues on the Datsun. :P
After playing with the Jeep I discovered the front wheel aren't engaging in 4 wheel drive ,chit .

Whoever built this house was a rank amatuer .Crawl space ,26 inch .Support beams of 3 2 by 8's on piers 8 feet apart .Should have been 4 2 by 12's yellow pine not fir .Slight moisture problem at some time ,taken care of but with slight damage .I need to jack one section up about 1/2-3/4 of an inch .

I cut pads of treated 4 by 4's bolted together ,cut cribbing ,lined up a pair of hydraulic jacks,5 tonners .I need to go to my shop 22 miles away and get a 4 foot section of 4 by 6 by 1/4" angle iron and some steel plates to jack against .Still snowing ,5 inchs and rising .They should have the roads plowed by noon tomorrow if not sooner .I'll go then .
Had thoughts of going to get fuel, groceries, etc. while I had the day off. Made it to the store about 1/2 mile form house and came back home / buns & milk. Roads were treacherous.

County sheriff lady stopped by to talk about the little piles of snow I returned to their owner. She is under the impression that Plowing across a property line is a civil matter and not business for the police but returning said snow was a criminal matter. Hogwash!

I guess I'll be down in their office Monday filing a counter complaint myself now, just in case things go further. :|:
So in about an hour were going to get my wife's ring back. The guy has been odder than hell but so far I believe it to be legit.

Yesterday he calls my wife and says he has the ring. Was going to give it to his wife for Christmas and when telling a friend about it his friend mentions seeing our newspaper ad(free my idea). Won't give his full name or leave his number(blocked call) says he's real busy yesterday so can't meet up and will call later or tomorrow(today).

Today he calls and lines up for us to meet his wife as her shift ends at a local grocery store and follow her to their house where he's keeping the ring in his gun safe! Bizarro right? So the thing is is this grocery store is not a huge box store and we've shopped there for thirteen years and literally know everyone there. So obviously If we recognize her its gotta be very legit.

My wife pegs him as quite a bit of an older man. I'm no fool and will be rolling prepped to say the least but I'm not worried. The guys been very odd but if he produces the ring and they don't make us stay for tea I'll still flip him a hundred for getting the ring back to us.

Afterwards my wife and I are going out so I'll try to check in before to long and let y'all know I'm still alive!
Good luck, Justin. So much intrigue, hope it is all legit. Seems odd to give a ring you found as a present for Christmas, but I suppose stranger things have happened.
Jeeeez, Randy.
I wonder if I'll ever be able to scrub that picture out of my mind:lol:
All's good. Got the ring back. The guy and his wife were a bit odd alright. I think their original plan was to keep it but when the wife was talking about it at work the connection was made to my wife and so their hands were somewhat forced into doing the right thing. The extra day was because he needed the time to get it back from the jeweler where it was getting sized. They had looked into pawning it too they had told us which was kind of an odd thing to mention I thought.

In the end though we got it back and when I offered the hundred he'd only take fifty of it.
Great news Justin! Glad to read of the recovery.

Talked to Police Sergeant today about the snow/tree/property thing. He was cracking up reading the other officers report on my explanation of the situation. I explained I figured I needed to file an official complaint seeing as my opposition brought things to this level, and apologized for the cops having to deal with it. Everything will now go to the County Prosecutor to be sorted out.

i have pics of trees covered in snow, damaged trees, and video of them dumping waste form their trucks into wetlands after they removed a berm that was ordered by the County Drain Commisioner. We'll see how this goes....
Went to Verizon today and activated another cell phone .Managed to find out why the Jeep wouldn't go into 4 wheel drive,jumped the yoke on the transfer case.Two minute fix ,goody .Played in the snow with the Jeep ,4 wheel this time .:D
Al, Glad for you it was such an easy fix!

Got a late start today, then got shut down by irate neighbor yelling about a survey not being done (tree is near property line) with about an hour to go to finish. Boss straightened everything out, so I can climb the same tree again to take off two leads, then drop and finish it tomorrow :|:
Schedule shuffle after seeing where the wood was to be put was under water:banghead:
Then do my banking to find the tree co I helped out who had the broken wrist climber. Gave me a bad check, grrrr...
Time to sick the wife on them:popcorn:
Got a letter about a week ago from Echo saying I was one of the winners of a CS-355T-14 saw from a ballot draw at their booth in Charlotte TCI Expo! Arrived by UPS today.
