After playing with the Jeep I discovered the front wheel aren't engaging in 4 wheel drive ,chit .
Whoever built this house was a rank amatuer .Crawl space ,26 inch .Support beams of 3 2 by 8's on piers 8 feet apart .Should have been 4 2 by 12's yellow pine not fir .Slight moisture problem at some time ,taken care of but with slight damage .I need to jack one section up about 1/2-3/4 of an inch .
I cut pads of treated 4 by 4's bolted together ,cut cribbing ,lined up a pair of hydraulic jacks,5 tonners .I need to go to my shop 22 miles away and get a 4 foot section of 4 by 6 by 1/4" angle iron and some steel plates to jack against .Still snowing ,5 inchs and rising .They should have the roads plowed by noon tomorrow if not sooner .I'll go then .