Administrator Emeritus
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- #35,526
Ain't no cold down here, mate. Swamp logging! Cool! 

I had a blast today, I've been hanging out in south Louisiana working with Keith and crew. Today was a day off, so me and Keith went water logging with a buddy of his, pulling old sinker cypress logs outta the river. I had a blast, something different, and real peaceful out on the river. We ended up pulling a big 50' cypress, actually closer to 60' but we cut the stump off. Along with a nice 14' cypress.
His buddy just mills it up and uses it too build things for himself or gifts for people. He's making me some picture frames as gifts for people out of the pecky cypress.
They told me you could smell one of the snakes before you saw it. Can't remember what one.
Pruned big honey locusts. LOVE pruning them. Easy climbing, and the before and after is so night and day that the customer is always dazzled. With other pruning, sometimes I feel that the finished product is not a great contrast to the initial look. I refuse to make needless cuts and remove excess material just to make the customer think I did a great job. I do what is good, and nothing more. Honest locusts always need so much cleaned out between suckers and dead wood that I get the joy of watching the customers eyes light up. The first one I did today I worked mostly with a polesaw. The second I was feeling froggy and really boogied around that tree. I feel like my spikeless climbing has really started to shine. I always knew it wasn't my strongest skill, but always got the job done. Ive sort of crossed that bridge where Ive really started to move like a cat without my gaffs. I really think losing 45 pounds since last year has done wonders. I really find myself to be more agile and I can balance so much better without becoming fatigued.
Quitting smoking, if you remember me mentioning it, was a game changer too. My muscles don't burn like they used to. Honestly, I never knew how bad smoking compromised my body until I gave it up. With losing the weight, I lost a lot of muscle too though. Im eager to get some more muscle in my shoulders again.