How'd it go today?

This bee shut off early. The sun was going down.

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I knew a kid in middle school who caught a few bumble bees, put them in the freezer and then, once they were catatonic, he tied strings around them, then he let them warm up and was able to have some flighty new pets on long, 1mm polyester leashes.

I thought that was kind of clever, but also cruel. I expressed my concerns for the bees and he did eventually put them back in the freezer, take off the strings, and let them free, thankfully. No bees were harmed by his shenanigans.
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I have a grudge against mine cause he stole Spot's water bowl, and pooped next to her food dish. They're also common carriers of rabies, so I'm not fond of having them around, but they're amusing animals.
Well, the day has arrived. The rental guys came and took back all of my furniture. Now my apartment is barren, save for the small amounts of personal belongings that still remain, and my footsteps and voice now produce an echo. All I have for furniture is an air mattress, a foldout chair (which is actually very comfortable), and a small foldout camping table.

I'm a very sensitive and particular sleeper, so I anticipate some shitty sleep in my future. I only have to do this indoor camping thing for five days before my flight. But then I do it all over again in my new apartment in MA until I can secure some furniture. Definitely not renting furniture again. That was a pretty expensive decision, but it was the best option four years ago when I first arrived at AZ.

Oh well. It is what it is. I thought I'd be completely bummed out and run down at this point, but my spirits are surprisingly high at the moment. But as someone who is manic-depressive, I never take my moods for granted lol

Anyways, it's the home stretch! I can't way to get back to MA and see my parents and, most of all, my dog. He's going to absolutely flip out when he sees me. Every time I have visited for the holidays one per year, he always is head over heels with uncontrollable excitement and sticks to me like a fur magnet my entire time visiting and then, once I leave, my father says he starts looking around the house for me. This time I won't be leaving! Can't wait to get my Harry Winston back! =-D
Amazon really likes to make you offers you can't refuse. I've had an interest in electronics since childhood, and might have had a much different career path under different circumstances. I've been watching a lot of YouTubes on the subject lately, especially bigclivedotcom. Pretty entertaining and informative guy. Out of equal parts curiosity and boredom, I started searching Amazon last night for soldering stations, third hands, and magnifying lamps. I found a kit with four flexible arms, a magnetic base, and a small architects style magnifying lamp for something like $42. There was a button for some kind of coupon, that got it down to $32, and it has already shown up and I've just finished assembling it. The lamp is certainly worth it, and it will be very handy for sharpening chisels and plane irons, which I have many to do right now.

I'm trialing a new phone and service for my home internet, and so far it's working out pretty well. It's Visible from Verizon. You get unlimited everything(hotspot's capped at 10Mbs) for $45 a la carte, or $395/yr if you prepay(prices are taxes and everything included). The hotspot's noticeably slower with a heavy load, and the signal isn't as good as Tmobile, but I can do anything I want without doing mental calcs about how much bandwidth I'm using. Pretty sweet.

My old plan was walmart on Tmobile, but there's a mandated switch to the Verizon network this Nov. It was $54.nn/month after taxes and added charges. It was unlimited everything, but hotspot was capped at 30GB/month, and if it was exceeded you just got cutoff. No throttling or anything. I very much dislike using phones for anything, so that didn't work great. I had to jump through hoops to keep my hotspot usage down.

I like using phone plans for internet cause I can just stop paying if it isn't working for me. No contracts, no equipment to return. I give money, they give service. I'll be prepaying a year when this month's up. I wanted to test it first, and it looks like they passed :^) So, IOW, the day and week's been pretty good so far.

I just died! Omg, that song was so popular back when it came out in 2013. I think Ylvis is a Norwegian comedy duo and that they originally made this song for a comedy show that was being broadcasted in their country and it went viral. It has well over 1 billion views at this point lol

The lyrics are so random and utterly absurd, but juxtaposed with a music video that has very serious and high quality production value, and trained vocals. It's a classic and now it's going to be stuck in my head for the next month.

Not sure how I feel about that. Thanks? lol
I was up all night dicking around on my computer. As far as my brain's circadian rhythm is concerned, it's still Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024. But now that I know it's Independence Day, I think I'm going to buy a New York strip steak, some broccoli, and gnocchi and grill/cook up something festive and special.

Let's see how long I can go before my body tells me -- or forces me -- to get some sleep. I'm somewhat of a professional when it comes to enduring sleep deprivation, so I'm willing to bet I get through the entire day, until bedtime tonight. Not entirely sure why I stayed up all night. I already regret it and, once the sun comes up, that's when I tend to start feeling the hurt; as the sunrise signals to my brain that it's a new day, triggering a steadily increasing steam of unpleasant adverse effects and negative symptoms.

Lol, what the f*ck am I even talking about? I need some coffee and my morning dose of Ritalin. Happy 4th of July, everyone! God bless 'Murica!
Sounds like Star Trek medicine
Haha, it does.

Ritalin is methylphenidate in its hydrochloride salt form. I take it for my ADHD (passive type). I'm guessing you have heard of Adderall? Adderall is a mixture of four different amphetamine salts, and it is just as popular for treating ADHD as Ritalin.

Ritalin functions very similarly except it is a cathinone, not an amphetamine. However, both drugs are central nervous system (CNS) stimulants and both are NDRIs (norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors). This basically means that they both prevent existing dopamine and norepinephrine from experiencing "reuptake" via the presynaptic cleft in the brain, which will artificially increase the levels of both of those catecholamines (neurotransmitters). Aside from Adderall and Ritalin belonging to two different classes of drug, the main difference insofar as their effects is that Adderall (especially Dexedrine, which is basically a different formulation of Adderall, contains only one of the salts versus four, called dextroamphetamine) is more dopaminergic than Ritalin. Ritalin's effects are a lot more noradrenergic (it has a higher affinity for norepinephrine).

I used to be on Adderall for many, many years until -- two years ago, after moving to Arizona -- there was (and still is) a nationwide shortage of Adderall, which meant it was either impossible to find a pharmacy with it in stock, or it was a pain in the ass to find it somewhere and then travel far and wide to pick it up. So I asked my prescriber to switch me to Ritalin and I was very surprised when I realized that it works so much better for me.

Anyways, you didn't ask for me to respond to your post with "too much information." But here ya go! It's all yours! At least it is educational! =-D
I don't use it. I try to master my mind and manage any symptoms with will power, practice, and strategy.

"The crew of the Federation starship Enterprise is struck with deadly Rigellian fever, for which the only treatment is the mineral ryetalyn."
What part of the universe/what planet did the crew of the Enterprise have to go in order to mine ryetalyn? Or did they already have some on board? I can imagine an entire episode being about procuring ryetalyn to save the crew members from the deadly Rigellian fever lmao

(Not really sure why I even care, but, strangely...I do lol)