While that isn’t fun, I had a bird build a nest in the garage above one of my rigging and climbing gear shelves. The bird defecated on my gear! I went to glove up and move the nest and found babies. Crap! I tarped my gear when shelved and accepted that the rest of the garage was going to be susceptible to air raids. They just left about 2 weeks ago and I’m slowly cleaning everything up. I wouldn’t care and would share the garage if they were toilet trained.I'd really like to know why some bird needs to set up outside my window and start squawking at first light every morning. I get it. You are a bird. You want to get that worm. But why do you have to tell me about it?
It must have read you post about not getting an early start milling.I'd really like to know why some bird needs to set up outside my window and start squawking at first light every morning. I get it. You are a bird. You want to get that worm. But why do you have to tell me about it?
Actually video proof from the 50s, 60s and 70s shows LA used to be terrible with air pollution. Their air is much cleaner today than it was back then. Not that I agree with all their policies, but there is a happy medium somewhere in between.Unlike L.A. which doesn't have smog at all.
No clue , my smell is so off I can't rely.Question... Whenever I'm around some kind of street rod, or other vintage enthusiast type car, they always smell like they're running rich. To the best of my memory, they've always smelled like they run rich, even when the cars weren't all that vintage, but went on to their new owners. I don't remember that smell from stock carbureted vehicles. Is my memory faulty, or does something change when it goes to "hotrod".
I kind of like the smell, but if every car smelled like that, it would be pretty bad, and I doubt I'd like it so much.