Finally got my handle welded on the 394. I'll show you the repair, even though it is hideous.

I will preface the following photo-narrative with the statement that TIG welding in the rain, with a light wind, and only a 1.5" long contaminated tungsten is not what one might consider ideal welding conditions.
Broken at the mount.
First TIG weld in 8 years. Not too shabby, considering conditions.
I cut a piece of thin stock and drilled a hole at the mounting bolt.
New filter on the left, original on the right. I've never had to clean anything out of this filter, and the saw was new in '97. Yes, I know it's discolored, and most people think you need to always have shiny new filters, but it's not damaged, and a dirty filter will stop smaller particles, and shouldn't be discarded unless it's affecting air flow. Saw tached 12,900 before and after replacement.
I put one of Skwerl's 32" RSLFK chains on and tried it out on a big ash round I had. Cut very well. I think the full skip and the 8 pin sprocket is going to work well on the longer bar.