How'd it go today?

I had to go trim palms at a couple banks today. On one I had to block one lane of a major 5 lane State road across the street from a mall, so I figured mid morning on a Sunday would be a good time for that. Of course we didn't have permits or anything, just winging it. Then I had to go rescue a toy helicopter out of a tree. While backing into position I broke the water line to the house (which was only 8" under ground). Just got back from fixing that, then I stopped for a sammich before swinging by to look at another job for next week on my way home.
Did an easy td yesterday. A 24" DBH Maple tree. Had a ton of fun for the most part, expect for the wind. Got a little exciting when I got down to just the top, the wind was gusting pretty hard. We tried out our Stein RC2000, mostly for practice and to avoid lawn damage. A good day all around yesterday. Today I spent about 4 hours cutting and moving some firewood around. Have another 8 hours or so of solid work on this pile before its totally finished.
Watching my nephew play Gran Turismo on the PS3, it's kind fun to watch, he's no where near as good as me, it's the little things!
I went riding at the track for the first time this year. A bit soar right now, and my throat has been killing me the last couple days. Drinking lots of water, hope that'll help. Haven't been to the doctors in over 8 years.
I forgot to set my clocks last night and woke up late today. Forgot I was supposed to take Wyatt to work. I decided to do some work and TD some broken oaks I have been putting off. Bomb fest but have to climb them. Called my estimate I was supposed to be at this morning near those oaks and let them know I was running about an hour late. Rushed off forgetting my gaffs and not realizing it until I was about where I needed to be. Landed a small TD and partial removal. Then redirected my day to another estimate and scheduled it also. Then went and burned the slash off a 90 foot dead gray pine I felled in early fall. So I got some work lined up and a couple hours of work in for a screwed up day. And I am still thankful I am not in Japan. I just wish I could have remembered some rather important things today:|:
It was all written in my planner.. I just did not read the planner last night, nor did I double check the truck for the gaffs. I had taken them out for hauling some stuff and they got separated from the rest of the gear when we were covering everything up from a bit of rain we got.
That's why I no longer pull gear off my work truck in order to go do small jobs in the pickup, it's just not worth the hassle. If I go to a job I show up with everything, no exceptions.
That's why I no longer pull gear off my work truck in order to go do small jobs in the pickup, it's just not worth the hassle. If I go to a job I show up with everything, no exceptions.

I had to put my truck in to get a diff change over last week, didn't have a job for Wednesday so I booked it in while I had the chance, it was way overdue.

Takes me about twenty minutes or more to take everything out. Then I got an urgent job, had to be done. Good price but I had take my ute/pickup and big trailer, so I took nearly everything with me and used most of it.

What a hassle, it was like going back twenty years, I don't know how anyone can work without a chipper here, but there are still some. Tipping is too expensive as well.

It payed for the diff and people don't seem turn around and stare now.8)
That is all I do nowadays and it adds an hour-hour and a half to side jobs, loading and unloading gear. I know some can do it any other way, but it sure is inefficient.
I mostly do no clean up jobs now.
Got wet today.

Spring has arrived and with it a lot of rain.
It rained all day today, not heavily enough to put on raingear, which I hate logging in, anyway, but enough to make me soaked by noon.
So the rest of the day was misery.

I sure enjoyed the hottub afterwards, though.
The job originally scheduled for this morning was a no-show, he sounded a bit sketchy on the phone yesterday anyway. I ended up doing another small trim job which took until 12:30 then brought all my saws home to clean and service them all. I barely had them all carted into the back yard shop and my phone rings, the Audubon Society lady wanted to know if I could put a baby barn owl back up in a tree. The original nest was in a tree that was cut down on Saturday so I hung an owl box up in a nearby tree for the baby. Mama should find him by sundown.

Now I have a slew of saws in the back yard that all need servicing but it's a bit hot out. I'll address them in a little while after another glass of iced tea. :)
Met my buddy at the house this morning, he moved the back door, ordered the frame for that and the front, and framed out a window for their arrival on the 22nd.

Drove by a job I bid last Friday this morning, some one was doing it this morning. The guy was adamant about all the wood being hauled, OK so I figured the time for it. Drive by later and it's all cut to firewood stacked in a pile. I hate when people state something, and you bid it that way, to find out it was done totally different. The price difference would have reflected that. Grrr

Currently burning a truck load of construction scraps, gotta sharpen a saw for tomorrows logging.
Drove by a job I bid last Friday this morning, some one was doing it this morning. The guy was adamant about all the wood being hauled, OK so I figured the time for it. Drive by later and it's all cut to firewood stacked in a pile. I hate when people state something, and you bid it that way, to find out it was done totally different. The price difference would have reflected that. Grrr

If the potential client is that indecisive when you're making the bid, then can you imagine how difficult he would have been if you had gotten the job? Count your blessings and focus on the clients who don't waste your time. I no longer have any qualms about pissing off some client who is wasting my time. I save my respect for my best clients and treat them like gold.