Frosty morning.. Brrrrrrr Got a good start on the day and took out some brush off a creek and rocks to start with. Fire sure felt good as did the hot coffee we brewed

Place came out pretty and the HO came home just in time to hand me a check and walk her new path through her woods next to the creek.

Since we finished that job early, I had that apple tree I needed to finish pruning just down the street. I had been rain out of it the last time I was there. Got that done and got paid

HO hired me to do another one. I did not have my orchard ladder with me or it would have been done. Too hollow to climb and been let go. So next visit I will make sure I Have all my goodies.

Lost my damn schedule book today, I made some calls and found it. But damn ! Made dinner late so Katy went to work hungry

I made some pork fajitas and I made HM refried pintos and black beans.
Just finished data entry into the spread sheets for the year and I should be able to get all the data into the tax program in the next couple of days or my day off this weekend. That feels good..
I got a check in the mail today from a client that is prepaying for weed eating in July

These clients of mine are amusing sometimes...

It is just a deposit, I will put it in my account for deposits that is like an escrow account I don't pay myself until the work is done... Just tickles my funny bone when someone does something like this...