How'd it go today?

Oh Burnham ya can't tell me that seeing the pics of those monster saws don't get the juices flowing a bit? Come on even just a little. :D

Sorry, not even a little :D .

I am pretty big on practical, and those are about as far from that concept as one can get.

Of course, I am not completely consistent, as most humans are not. Also, people have the right to play around as much as they like: I am not one to judge and make rules about what is suitable use of hydrocarbons and steel.

Recognizing that, I am happy for Gary and Rotax and all you fans of those silly things to mess with them to your hearts' content.

Party on!
This is how the day is starting

Glen Innes Ap at 06:00 EST history » temperature-5.8°C dew point-6.2°C relative humidity97% feels like-11.1°C wind
ESE 12km/h wind gusts15km/h pressure1021.9hPa fire danger0.5 Low rainfall since 9am/last hr0.0mm / 0.0mm Glen Innes ApArmidale ApGrafton

The ice on my windscreen is unreal!! Note the -11c* as well??

We are off to a town called Inverell, it will be just as cold there!
Have a safe day campers!
sounds cold..Awesome how much would a plot of building land cost me in Inervell? it looks a half decent little town..
I had a wild day of little tasks and multiple bids.
Ground 4 stumps around the corner from home first thing, went and removed 3 Aspens and removed a stump acroos the street there. Grabbed lunch and went bidding, then went to prune an Aspen, slay a Juniper, shear a Lugustrum and prune the neighbor's Locust off of the customer's parked camper. I also had a bid to give next door. The lady wanted her 25foot Blue Spruce sheared and cleared from the house. I decided to save a trip and do it then. I started on it as a shower passed over -it rained just enough to get the ground and me damp and raise the humidity to the point that sweat was keeping me saturated. So... I'm standing as I high as one should on my 12 foot Orchard ladder with the Power Pruner and hedger attachment extended overhead shaping the top of the Spruce I (I know, shearing trees is a pathetic type of pruning but Spruces withstand it and some people find it aesthetically pleasing.)_ I brushed my thigh with powerhead and was suddenly reminded thta there is a hole in the spark plug boot! My lightning intellect triumphed over instinct and I DID NOT jump away from the sudden pain but it was certainly a shock to my system. I hope that you guys get a charge out of the story. I am certainly amped up about maintenance and safety concerns. I suppose I should fix that in short order so as to insulate myself from silly hazards.
That's pretty good Stumper, sounds very productive also. I really don't like those kinds of days with a bunch of little jobs, but what the hey, better than sitting around making faces at one another. I pruned a bunch of old almond trees that were topped about 7 years ago at a seventh day adventist school in Oakdale. Just finished at a little after 7:00.
My Uncle was riding his harley to high school in the 1950's and he had to reach down and open the choke by hand becuase his choke cable (or whatever they used to control the choke) didn't work, needless to say he grabbed a spark plug and his intellect didn't function nearly as well as yours Stumper. He ended up all skinned up along the road.
Sorry, not even a little :D .

I am pretty big on practical, and those are about as far from that concept as one can get.

Of course, I am not completely consistent, as most humans are not. Also, people have the right to play around as much as they like: I am not one to judge and make rules about what is suitable use of hydrocarbons and steel.

Recognizing that, I am happy for Gary and Rotax and all you fans of those silly things to mess with them to your hearts' content.

Party on!
I'm with you on this Burn. (most thanks for the washer, BTW). I have my own Co2 exessive projects too! I think it's the engineering aspect that we get the kick out of - when it finally WORKS!!! it is a good feeling.
Here are my projects of late. Rebuilt pump in the tractor, and some new impliments (the snowthrower should be fun), getting my hydro, and power center lined out.
I love it!, Steve could use one to clear a house pad in Inverell..

About 50 k should get you a comfortable spot ..

Killed a gum and a fan palm today then some much needed maintance and some gear.

It dident warm up much either!
Hydro for power. I'm with ya Poleframer!!

I'm off to the coast to install a new array of photovoltaics on the cabin top of my boat, might spend a couple days there. Nothing like trying to be 110-percent energy self sufficient.
This morning I left the house around 7:30 to do a grinding job, stopping at the bottom of the drive to drop off the trash. When I got back in the truck, put it in gear and tried to get rolling again, the yoke on the rear driveshaft broke (axle's yoke), dropping the driveshaft.

There I am sitting between 2 hills on a country road, driveshaft is on the ground, and I'm beginning to fall behind schedule. I clamber under the truck, and comence to pulling the slip yoke off, the last few inches were quite difficult. A helpful, well wishing dude stops by and asks if I need help, I say I'm fine keep going about your day, he keeps asking me and I start loosing my patience with him. (I don't like asking for help and he was a democrat)

Now I don't have to worry about the driveshaft flopping about, so I shift into 4wd, and mosey up the hill. When you have a rig that weighs 12-13k lbs, driving on the front axle is quite interesting due to torque steer. So I get the truck turned around, start heading back up my drive to swap trucks and get on with the grinding. I get to the hill on my drive and the truck flat won't get up it, being a good ole' boy I sure gave it hell. So I say hell with, get in my Jeep and head to the job so at least I'll be there to see the stumps and make an apperance. I get about a mile from the house and try to call the customer to tell them I'll be a few minutes late (it's 7:50, suppose to be 25-30 minutes away at 8ish). It was at that point I realized my phone was in the truck that's now jackknifed in the driveway (no damage, not actually in a bind).

Other than that, it's going great thus far :)
This morning I left the house around 7:30 to do a grinding job, stopping at the bottom of the drive to drop off the trash. When I got back in the truck, put it in gear and tried to get rolling again, the yoke on the rear driveshaft broke (axle's yoke), dropping the driveshaft.

There I am sitting between 2 hills on a country road, driveshaft is on the ground, and I'm beginning to fall behind schedule. I clamber under the truck, and comence to pulling the slip yoke off, the last few inches were quite difficult. A helpful, well wishing dude stops by and asks if I need help, I say I'm fine keep going about your day, he keeps asking me and I start loosing my patience with him. (I don't like asking for help and he was a democrat)

Now I don't have to worry about the driveshaft flopping about, so I shift into 4wd, and mosey up the hill. When you have a rig that weighs 12-13k lbs, driving on the front axle is quite interesting due to torque steer. So I get the truck turned around, start heading back up my drive to swap trucks and get on with the grinding. I get to the hill on my drive and the truck flat won't get up it, being a good ole' boy I sure gave it hell. So I say hell with, get in my Jeep and head to the job so at least I'll be there to see the stumps and make an apperance. I get about a mile from the house and try to call the customer to tell them I'll be a few minutes late (it's 7:50, suppose to be 25-30 minutes away at 8ish). It was at that point I realized my phone was in the truck that's now jackknifed in the driveway (no damage, not actually in a bind).

Other than that, it's going great thus far :)

Sounds like the start to a stellar day Carlito... it'll get better...;)
