This morning I left the house around 7:30 to do a grinding job, stopping at the bottom of the drive to drop off the trash. When I got back in the truck, put it in gear and tried to get rolling again, the yoke on the rear driveshaft broke (axle's yoke), dropping the driveshaft.
There I am sitting between 2 hills on a country road, driveshaft is on the ground, and I'm beginning to fall behind schedule. I clamber under the truck, and comence to pulling the slip yoke off, the last few inches were quite difficult. A helpful, well wishing dude stops by and asks if I need help, I say I'm fine keep going about your day, he keeps asking me and I start loosing my patience with him. (I don't like asking for help and he was a democrat)
Now I don't have to worry about the driveshaft flopping about, so I shift into 4wd, and mosey up the hill. When you have a rig that weighs 12-13k lbs, driving on the front axle is quite interesting due to torque steer. So I get the truck turned around, start heading back up my drive to swap trucks and get on with the grinding. I get to the hill on my drive and the truck flat won't get up it, being a good ole' boy I sure gave it hell. So I say hell with, get in my Jeep and head to the job so at least I'll be there to see the stumps and make an apperance. I get about a mile from the house and try to call the customer to tell them I'll be a few minutes late (it's 7:50, suppose to be 25-30 minutes away at 8ish). It was at that point I realized my phone was in the truck that's now jackknifed in the driveway (no damage, not actually in a bind).
Other than that, it's going great thus far