How'd it go today?

Got called out on storm today. got pants on and truck startede and got told to stay home. got paid two hours.

just got called again and getting ready to go out w/another foreman who I like working with.

Hav=d to get lights out & stuff for night work. haven't had to dothis since Ike hit. climbing in the dark hope I get the chance.
Just strolled in... Dropped some more smallish dead uglies and finished a brushing job ... Now the HO is booking mistletoe removal and burning :D Quit early and sent the Wraptor up north.. Was rather sad to see it go.. :( I'll own one soon enough though as long as the work holds out... Just paid out the last half of my quarterly taxes ahead of schedule.. Now I can save for it :D
Looks more lime a 20 ton crane to me,If im on the job and they ask ME its MY job,End of story.
How do you guys have quarterly taxes due in October? Or are those State taxes? I pay Federal taxes quarterly and the due dates are 4/15, 6/15, 9/15 and 1/15.
I had some checks lagging and I was about 10 days late when I received a notice from the IRS. They were telling me I was late and I could have a lien put on me. Checks came in and it was enough to send two quarters and then some. Being I have been early on all my previous payments.. Kinda pissed me off that they sent me a nasty letter. That was my response.. Basically shove it A holes.. here's your money. Talk to you again in April biatches. Have a nice day :) Sent both payments out prior to OCT 1st.
I've had the state of CT send a couple letters trying to tell me I didn't pay, yada yada when the checks have clearly been cashed weeks ago. The funny thing is, when you call you get to talk to someone with an attitude who can't speak English.

Blow it out your ass CT.
Looks more lime a 20 ton crane to me,If im on the job and they ask ME its MY job,End of story.

That's a really bad attitude. I personally think you are a moron. You should approach things more like RangerDanger. He's a bit younger, and a lot more open minded. He'll go far. At the rate you are going, you'll probably be scrubbing portable toilets for a living soon.
Almost midnight and just got back home from storm job. Had to clear out
a span for the linemen to raise downed lines. Climbed about 3 hours. Had one big nasty whole top came out of and was balancing in tree. had to take that out before I could attain the TIP I wanted to clear for the line to get raised. It was a little touch & go for a bit but everything came out OK.
.........,If im on the job and they ask ME its MY job,End of story.

So you are working on my job site, working for me, and the customer approaches you "Hey, think you guys can take out this other pine tree for me?" Rather than come to me, your paying boss, you take my $600 plus saw, my ropes and saddle then try to blow it out over lunch by yourself?
Then expect me not to get angry, much less keep you on board as a crew, after you have taken money out of my pocket and basically stolen equipment from me?
This after getting offended by us swearing because it impedes upon your Christian values?

And people wonder why I wouldn't piss on most devout Christians if they were on fire? It's called hypocrisy and double standards.