How'd it go today?

If you can do the work quickly, one can do alright. I'm kind of finicky on small details, not the best approach if money is a priority. There is a decent market, if you can tap into it, people floating above the economy woes. Far more customers in the states, though.

Appreciate all the congrats!
If you consider the cost pro rated over the length of use, say a hundred years or maybe way longer, it is a pretty sweet deal for the purchaser, almost for free! People just have to look at it in those terms.

If the wood has been properly selected and seasoned, and the joints all tightly made, assembled with a durable adhesive, there is really nothing that will break. It might last three or four hundred years....some chairs are still around of that vintage. There isn't all that much you can buy and use daily for such a period, made from a natural material, that I can think of. Sounds like a sales pitch, I know. ;)
It's amazing work for sure.

I got my video done for my speech. Probably started over a hundred times. Last night I got the Plasma up and going, new consumables, air dryer and filter, and a QC to make using it easier.

It's nuts how fast it can cut the thin stuff about as fast as you can drag it (4"/sec in 10ga, 10"/sec in 16ga :\:). It's also very nice to not deal with oxy fuel's and preheating, changing settings for various thicknesses, ect. Cutting 1/2", which I only did a little of, requires less than a second to pierce, and you can cut supprisingly fast. All this adds up to less BTU's in the work piece, making it stay far cooler.

Today went smooth and we were wrapped up by 1 pm.
Kids are happy I came home early. Money in the bank and some phone calls to make to tighten up the schedule a bit... Coming into our slow season so I am hustling up the work.
I had a phone interview with a reporter today, I almost completely lost it on him. He's trying to write an article based on the fact that there are more acorns this year than usual. I tell him I don't believe that is necessarily true but it could be because we had so much rain this summer....reasonable answer I thought. He wasn't buying it. "Oh there are definately more acorns this year". I tell him we aren't getting complaints, I haven't noticed an unusual amount of acorns. Then he asks how we measure acorn amounts:roll: Then he asks me if other kinds of trees have acorns....:|: how about pine trees? maybe its just me?
Around here, acorn amount differs from year to year, noting the trees next to my shop. The best way to tell if the amount is small, is from the bear numbers that come down out of the mountains looking for food. Low acorn yield = lots of nosing around bears.

Pines...ah, I don't think so, but the monkeys like to climb them and eat something up there.
Trimmed a sugar maple and ten thorny honey locust this morning and chipped the brush.
Took down 4 60-70' walnuts covered in poison ivy this after noon. brush was too thick too walk through under the trees so had to get all that down first. pretty whupped. Groundie was draggin his tail bad towards the end.
I'm heading over to the gym for another upper body workout. I've put it off as long as possible, but I'm determined to stick with this program. Be back later, couch potater. :lol:
Rained here off and on today, like it has been all week. Hope it clears up soon, so Dad can get back too work. He's only worked one day so far this week.

Got home from school too find my rope package from John. 120' Neo-Pro to donate for the competition, 150' Blaze line to replace the Velocity, and some HRC and tenex. Ended up splicing the Blaze today and I had a really hard time for some reason. Got it done, but not my best work and definitely harder than it usually is.
Go for it.

I did.

I'm heading over to the gym for another upper body workout. I've put it off as long as possible, but I'm determined to stick with this program. Be back later, couch potater. :lol:

That sucks, Brian. I guess you'll always wear two shirts.
Geez. Today I finally finished a 30 acre tree inventory. Took me two full days of just tagging and recording, 607 trees, all to be managed as a preserve, so no harvesting. Lots of dead snags and invasive removal and cleaning up specimen trees.

Headed to Chicago tomorrow to help with the Illinois Comp.
Not those controls dave. The ones behind the panel on the other side. Those wouldn't work either.

I'm not sure about the over center part. I had the upper boom all the way up, and the bottom boom wasn't all the way. I yelled down to Doug and said things aren't working. He said the machine won't let you go any further, because the risk of tipping.

Maybe he doesn't know, and I surely don't. I'm just a rope, saddle.....and Wraptor kinda guy.

Those on the other side should bring the booms down even if the engine is not running. Using the hand pump of coarse. How long has he had the lift?

If they quit up in the basket try hitting the emergency shut down wait a minute and start back up that should reset everything. I don't remember being able to manually control the basket I will have to look tomorrow.

I would have him call Lenny or Ryan and tell them what happened I am sure they will check into it. I don't think Teupen would want a problem out there that intails the basket dumping a person out. I can call after that and tell them I heard about a problem on the net about the basket. I will check my lift tomorrow and see if the level switch can be protected better.

Anyway Brendon, if the lower boom is at the lower angle it would be possible for the upper boom to go over center. BUT ONLY IF THERE IS A PROBLEM OR MALFUNCTION, DO NOT USE IF THIS THE CASE.

I have come to the conclusion that just about anything can happen. I had a limb jamb into the controls on the bucket truck once, (older skyworker) and sent me for a ride until I could get the limb out. So anything is possible.
We had a call back for a couple of hangers and we had neglected to clean the roof on a job that I finished up in the dark on Saturday. So we were off to a late start today and didn't finish today's job, which was cleaning a very badly infested Modesto Ash tree. We humped a bunch of wood yesterday and it took a toll on all of us. So I didn't get paid and I need to call tomorrow's customer.
got up early, rode the public transit in to town, had a fruit smoothy instead of a starbucks coffee and helped herd the folks in to the 2 seminars this morning then I went in to the first half of a seminar with Ian Baldwin. got sorta bored, left with a bud and went for an early lunch at the greek guy in the food fair across the street, had a lamb falafel with greek salad. Wandered around outside the new convention center in the sun then went back to the old convention center to marshall the crowds again to their seminars. afterwards I went in to the emarketing seminar briefly, decided I was doing all the things the speaker was talking about already so I left. Went in to the trade show, walked the floor, talked to a handful of people and then hit the road home.

Back at it again tomorrow, trade shows are so much fun... :rolleyes:
oh, on another note. a co worker at the garden center I put in a short amount of time at, she has been promoted and is afraid she wont have time for a couple projects she bid earlier, one, for her sis in law and brother is a renovation at a strata lot of I think 9 units. We went there two days ago and walked the site then chatted with her sis in law and brother for a bit. Sis in law is a graphic production person for one of the local tv morning shows, one of the hosts of the morning shows is a friend of mine on facebook and twitter (Dawn Chubai), I mention this and we chat briefly about me being on the radio shows inthe 90's etc, I offer to be on the show if they ever think it would be cool. This AM I get an email from her cc'ed to the producer of the show expressing interest, I replied with my resume and some other self promo material, lets see what happens :D