How'd it go today?

Today was the only day I had any scheduled work for and two of my three guys called in sick. I cancelled the day and me and my one employee that showed up cleaned my shop and then went and chipped a pile that paid for his work today. It was one of those 'money neutral' days.
Spent the day finishing up jobs others didn't finish. Little stick of brush here (invariably surrounded by thorns), couple missed trims/removals there. got a lot done, just didn't seem like it. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have this line finished.
Spent most of the day sleeping on top of my workbench. Furniture moving blankets make nice pillows.

The crane operator called about a large tree removal, but I have to be in another part of the country on the same day....bad luck. If it rains, I'm on for the next day.
Today I'm learning the pleasure of working in mandals as I left my work boots in Jackson and my tennis shoes were muddy as hell from working on the island last month (in the washing machine now).

The joys of 3 pairs of shoes :)
Today I am slacking hard at home but my mellow has been harshed by a couple of trees breaking out branches for me to go see. I'm having to put on pants and go outside! The horror!
Tight pirate pants?
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Sheesh Carl! There are only three times I put on boots anymore, and two of those are connected!
Pouring concrete, I change to sandals as it dries.
Running a saw.
And climbing a tree.
Other than that, I like me sandals! Snow be damned, I like me sandals!

My help thought he would like to try climbing today, he's WAY more afraid of heights than I. He couldn't pull himself on the ropes, thought free climbing was the ticket. Fine, I just asked he tie in before he ran a saw (which I doubted would be a problem). He made it ten feet on a ladder, bu couldn't get off it into the tree.
I hope for his sake he doesn't give me any more grief about my climbing, paybacks suck!:lol:
Fear of heights is weird. One of the best flight instructors I ever had was too afraid to stand on a chair. I had no fear at all until I turned forty then it hit me all at once. But as long has I am tied in or have at least a 6 inch curb at the edge I am fine. Go figure that.
Sometimes its not the height.
I have seen guys have trouble with a particular tree, fear of trusting climbing gear, bad lack of balance or coordination, and then there are the late bloomers who try hard but really do poorly for quite awhile and all of a sudden one day they get it (love it when I get to see that).

Got a membership application to the AARP in mail today. Just don't know what to think about that.:?

Today went well, got lots done, groundie worked his butt off. Thanked him for his good help the last two days. One tree to climb tomorrow morning and I will be done reworking this line, then on to the next place.:)
Did a CDF required brush/ladder fuel removal on a garage today for final inspection. Chipped most of it and staged the rest. place is in the burn zone from the Telegraph Fire last year. I wish I had got pics of it last year. 3 acre weed eat and the fire stopped at our line and went around the whole place. Was pretty amazing and convincing how effective what we do is. made a short day of it and went to town to start acquiring more stuff for around here. Working on paperwork and lists for the rental.... Lots to do....
First day in the cemetery. Kind of frusturating rigging everything out when there's a field on the otherside of a crappy broken down fence. But nothing can land there, and nothing on the graves of course, and no crane. So rig it all out small and slow. Oh well, it pays. I did snap one pic for Brian today, maybe I'll even get it onto the computer tonight.:D
Today was another easy but boring one. We got a ton of rain dumped on us, so we took the day off. I spent the day reading a book called The Life of Pi.

Really boring book for the most part. It's for school and I have 8 days to finish it. Still 150 or so pages to go.

Hoping it dries out for tomorrow. Hoping to do a Ash removal tomorrow. Should be fun with the 50% of it being cut and drop, and 50% having to be rigged out.

We also set up one final rec climb before school starts back up for me. Should be fun with all the climbers we got together this time!
I went to take a look at a large willow tree for one of my homeowner's associations after it lost a large branch in last nights thunder storm. It lost a quarter of the tree. I climbed up the broken branch/spar into the main crotch to inspect the branches that remain. While I was sitting there two neighbor kids that I had met earlier working for their mom climbed up too(it was safe so I did not object). The eldest is in the 8th grade and his brother is a couple years younger. I chatted with the kids about trees for 20 minutes or so. They were very bright kids. Well later after my bid to remove the tree was OKed, I got this email from the older brother:

"Dear Daren,

We were wondering as to the possibility of saving Our Lakewood willow tree by the pond. Because of our conversation in the tree and conflicting 2nd hand information from the Mahacheks, we have a few questions to ask you about the possibility of safely keeping the tree alive. We had some ideas of how to extend the life of the tree. First of all, we were wondering if we could build a structure over the trunk in order to protect the trunk from the elements and thus slow or stop the rotting process. Also, we wonder if we could possibly shorten/ balance the branches and thus minimize the amount of outward stress put on the trunk.


I called him back and explained all my reasoning for giving the thumbs down on this tree. He was thoughtful, polite and asked good questions.
Wow OM, that eighth grader writes very well for his age...impressive. Sounds like some cool new buds you've made there!