How'd it go today?

Geez man!! What can that little car haul??

The most I've gone across the scales with was 6klbs (about 2200lbs on a 800lb trailer) averaging about 25 mpg from the Ozarks in Missouri back home. That trailer weighs around 1100-1400lbs, I'll get a mpg report tomorrow, although I expect it to be lower than above due to a higher speed.

It held 70-72 on most hills. I had to downshift to 4th a couple times on the 150 mile trip to here.
Two trees down, one tree trimmed on 2 job sites, shower taken and meeting a chick for lunch at 12.

Come back, gather the cousins and jet off for home sometime this afternoon.
Well, yesterday at the sandbar, I stepped on a peice of glass. After seeing 2 different doc's today, it is still in my foot. The doctors rammed their tools around in my heel and did not find anything. One of them even took an x-ray. The novocaine is about to wear off and it is going to hurt like the dickens. No work out today as a result, probably not till later in the week. I feel like Jimmy Buffets song, I blew out my flip flop and stepped on a poptop!
Glass is not that easy to remove .

When I was in that wreck that killed my buddy on 7 mile bridge in '67 I passed shards of glass for over 30 years until it all came out . Actually it isn't all out yet . Still a few lumps on my pretty face .:roll:
Small shards are hard to see. Especially in a shattered glass injury, it's not uncommon that they don't get all of it out.
Had a great day today!!! Finally got back into tree work after all that sodding and rock work!

Mostly pruning and grinding today. Me and our climber trainee climbed a few Cherries. Just removing some large dead wood mostly. Also felled 2 trees. I did a small 10" DBH Maple, and Dad a 12" DBH Locust. The Maple was great because the golf course was letting us use their small TLB for the day, so we backed it right up to the Maple, used a scarp piece of rope to tie the tree to the backhoe bucket, lifted the butt up, and off we went!! And man, feeding the chipper on that one was easy!!!

Had a incident today also. We had cut what was remaining of a large stump away so we could grind it. I was loading the two large piece's into the bucket when one rolled back and slammed my foot against another tree:O. I was scared shitless for a minute because I thought for sure it was broken somewhere. But I got lucky and walked away with a big bruise on the side of my foot.
Sorry you are going through that Virginia. I hope they will eventually find it and get it out. I have always been fortunate with my glass injuries, Always big enough to find and often most the bottle just falls off after spearing my foot... Hurts like heck!

Careful out there Adrian...Happy you walked away with light injury.

Me... I have been cleaning up around here with 5 dump runs and some stacking and packing. A lot to do now that Sheila has passed on in just getting things in order and all secured, sorted and cleaned out. Then we start prepping the house for making it a vacation rental. Personally just happy the day is about through. Two more day care kids to be picked up and I can be my normal self...
Iodine will sometimes make the shards stand out. Beware it does sting a might:O:O:O
Good grief not a week ago we got into a discussion of water pumps and sand in the well .Don't you know it I've got the same problem .:(

This stuff is a fine as valve grinding compound .I've never seen anything like this before and have no idea where it came from .

Not a big deal at the moment as I have two wells .One which has the sand only runs the geo-thermal and the other runs the house .At the moment I have the geo running on the house well until I get it sorted out as to what I'm going to do to fix it short of sinking another hole .
MRI came back good(couple of small protrusions, but no herniations) surgery needed. Proabably get a shot in my SI joint....
I delivered the logs to a guy in Merced and did a couple of bids today.
Sorry about your foot V. We're you wearing sandals?
Had a productive day.

Headed off to Home Depot this morning for some wood and hardware, built a new tailgate for the truck as Carl and I welded on some stake pockets on the rear because the 7' swing out tailgate was a PITA 90% of the time. It just needed to much room to swing.

After that I made a permanent ramp to load the mini into the shed easier, I was prior just putting my ramps but that was getting old. Fixed some little odds and ends on the mini while it was out.

Changed the knives in the chipper for the next weeks load of work, then headed to Gregs to help him with his big rig.

Bruce stopped by and I took his KTM 525 super moto out around the block and fell in love.
