How'd it go today?

2 hour site visit this AM for a report, then a 10 minute Euc removal, yeah, it was a teensy one. :) but its gone now, and I got paid for it!
glad some see the bright side, i do them but never enjoy. i charge more to make me feel better!
Yesterday I climbed for the first time in years without gloves and knicked the hell out of my hands.

Are glove less climbers more careful?

Do gloves make one a sloppier climber?
I wear uglies for dang near everything work related including running the mini. They increase the "coefficent of friction" between my hand and what I'm gripping, allowing me to conserve my grip strength.

On grip strength I have to control myself while shaking hands with non labor'ers as I've hurt people on accident. I try to shake with the same force they do, unless it's some girly dead fish shake.
Ha, no, just some seriously tender fellows. One handshake in particular (former girlfriends father) is like shaking a dead fish.
I hardly ever wear gloves. Never while climbing. Good question Deva, I say without gloves you are more deliberate. More likely to get injured so you probably climb more carefully. I did gash the shat outta myself at a comp though. Hauling ass, and going for it. Never even felt it happen though. Old rock climbers I have met usually have hands of leather. When climbing hand cracks I do tend to tape since I usually am desperatly boxing my hands in an out whilest scaring myself. Thats when I shred em'. I feel my grip is compromised with gloves on
I prefer the atlas gloves in the winter, but thats about it. They just seem to get in the way for me and cause problems most of the time. I don't think either way is right or wrong, but more a personal preference.
i dont like to wear glove either, i dont feel as well with them so am never sure of my grip. i do wear them to rope or handle sticky stuff
I wear baseball gloves more so than I did before.Gloves can slow me down during carabiner manipulation and knot tying but come in handy roping aloft.
More deliberate on where you put your hands.

I just got in from spraying the roof of the house to kill the mildew/stuff that grows on the north faces.
Ha. I used to climb without gloves and then I just got tired of having darkly stained hands. Oaks, walnuts and eucalyptus used to change the color of my hands. I started wearing gloves to keep my hands clean. Now I am just used to them. I can tie knots with them no problem.
dish detergent takes the stain away.. It aint an ego thing, i like to feel when I'm slipping. I will glove up on the Pochote though:O