How'd it go today?

I can well imagine that I startled him as much as he I . I'm just glad it wasn't a 'coon or the fight would have been on . Those rascals are not the kind to play 'possum if push comes to shove .
I was putting lightening protection in HUGE poplars today. So the last tree of the day I would guestimate was 130' tall. I got to the top and pulled up the copper cable as the wind started to pick up and I could see storm clouds on the horizon..... I clipped a top out and was trying to hang the cable on it and noticed that the cable was causing my hans to "tingle". I got sketched out and nearly dropped the cable but decided to hurry up and "git er don". I told a buddy about this this evening and he says that most people who get hit by lightening say they had a tingling sensation before the strike....:( Yup Im a jackass........
anyone want to see a real hero story? :

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Geez! That's crazy stuff!!

Today wasn't too crazy. Just a big sycamore removal.

Here's the stump.


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I got an unusual emergency call today from one of my property managers, it seem that a tree on one of her properties has been damaged by a hot air balloon landing on it. I'll see the carnage tomorrow.
Bummer Brian. I did a couple of bids this morning and had lunch with my parents. Finished the trash hauling job in the afternoon. 9 loads in my dump trailer. I'm glad it's done.
Today was good. Four jobs in roughly 10 hours. Mostly chipping and hauling wood the first half of the day. Second half I got in some climbing. Did a nasty crab apple. Never pruned, and fairly dense. Every time I moved I got a new scratch somewhere. Second tree was a Maple that we dead-wooded, clearance, etc. Dad and I did it together, so I got some in-tree training at the same time.
Ran the DR this AM and got one done... then went over and doctored up a client that had decided to try the way too thick grass for any implement/tool he had himself... all fixed.. Got done reasonably early and headed home after dropping off the DR for some welding... guy owes me money so..... hey ....fix and reinforce while I go do some tree work tomorrow (AFT!).
Sharpened up a couple sets of chipper blades with a couple beers... Finished billing, paper work, payroll and book keeping for the day as I got some checks in the mail :D Now out to the ol Ford to get some new plug wires in her :D

Paul I really tried to make a video ride of the DR today as I had all kinds of terrain I was playing on... But the dang battery was dead on the camera.. I will try again.. Might be fun HAHAHA Mr. Toads wild ride... LOL
So beers will sharpen chipper knives? :P

Relatively easy day today. Finished removing a tree that had been partially brushed out a week ago. About 90 minutes to finish brushing it out and getting it down to a 25' stub. Made the stump cut and 3 cuts on the trunk with the 395XP. I like that saw, wish I could use it more often.

Second job was trimming an oak over the drive/ house. It had a nice gap over the drive so I was able to work the whole tree from one setup (flipped the boom upside down and came around underneath to tip up the far side). Was done by 1pm, then ran errands and fixed the broken lever on my material handler.

Tomorrow is my first weekday off since getting home from vacation. I'm not doing much of anything if I can help it.
They truly help the monotony my friend and of course taste good on a hot afternoon...
Almost forgot... I was by the shop today and there was a brand new 576 XP getting ready to go up to the park service guys in Yosemite... Ohh she was soooo pretty with her full wrap and chip flap on the grey chain cover:|:
Worked with my bro today, putting up fence. Got home at 5ish and went and picked up my grinder, then ground a stump, hit traffic, fun fun. Came home to a big heavy box fill of parts for my F350, should be a fun week doing that come Monday. Now I'm trying to get this little iPod thing to load on my computer.
Just some cobra cables, a hemlock removal, and a silver maple prune...

Things are just a pluggin' along.
Today My wife got a new key Bord. I have been trying to T. My letter T did not work therefor I was using + instead also the space bar wasn't.
I traded energy and vitality for money today. I fell asleep in the front room and just got up to go back to bed properly.
Hot day, we did a dying oak removal this morning. Stump grinding bid went from 9-10 stumps up to 45 small stumps.
Second job was removing tree stakes and ties that were beginning to girdle trees on a steep hill and raising driplines on 2 weeping japanese maple
I had a stump to grind this morning in a parking of a strip mall. The tree had broken a sidewalk and I was to wait for the concrete cutting guys to remove the sidewalk. Then I would grind the stump and the roots underthe sidewalk. The concrete guys were supposed to be there at 6:00 this morning and me at 7:00. The concrete guys were there on time but the general contractor wasn't there to tell them just what to do, so when I got there no one is there. The concrete guys went to another job and I didn't get out of there until 11:00 so it messed me up on my other job for the day. So I went home and disced my orchard and went and collected for the trash hauling job I finished yesterday.