How'd it go today?

Well got off lucky today. I'm working a bunch of dead jackpines right now for a customer and it's a real cakewalk just fall/climb to get them down around the live ones and some powerlines that go through the property. Well third tree I was in today I sent the top off course and it hung up in some limbs of another tree and got thrown back at me. It brushed me up good but I didn't get hurt. A close call that I got lucky on. Should've took the time to set a pull-line is what I was thinking afterwards.
So, Paris Hilton is on our little island today. I know, I know, who cares, but I am going to try and get a picture of her. Also, I plan to scream:


Nah, just kidding, that would be mean. :lol:
I have a picture with her. My sister, myself and two close girlfriends of ours went on a girl's weekend to LA a few years ago. I have an "in" at the Jay Leno show and she was on that day. We got to meet her and get pictures done. I should dig it up....

Orlando Bloom was also there. Much more interesting.
i have been a saw mechanic for the last 2 days. In the evenings after my "real" job. I am (was) rebuilding an 038 for a friend. I should post pictures of this saw and add the title... "Reason not to use used crankcase oil for bar oil"... The saw is a black and brown hulk. All the money he was gonna put into the saw for repairs ($300) I told him he could have a nice used 044. So the saw is gonna be junked for parts.

I have the old Jonsereds I'm workin' on, plus a little Mac tophandle. Those are mine... but I have another 046 sittin' in my garage that I'm puttin' a P&C on for another friend. I need to start charging people for my time. Since it seems my time is scarce right now.

Anybody need a saw rebuilt?;)

estimates scheduled for : 8AM 830, 10 and noon. then a buddy, his gal and their 6 month old are in town for the weekend, the wife and I are meeting them up for a couple hours then supper. sigh, I am NOT a morning person.
Sunday estimates? I thought I was the only one who still did that.

When your bidding on Sunday, things are good.
Friday afternoon my Wife got a call from an 89 year old woman and she didn't want me to come out and do an estimate she just wanted me to come on Saturday morning and trim a couple of palm trees in her back yard. I got there about 9:00 and the job took about 20 minutes and she had me come into the house for the check. She is all hunched over and weighs about 80 pounds. She proceeds to tell me all about the guy I bought the tree business from and then goes into her life story. I was getting all impatient at first, as I wanted to change the oil in my truck that day and had to repair the wiring on my dump trailer. After 15 minutes or so I gave up and just decided to let her go on. She shows me the picture of her deceased husband and is telling me what a good man he was and then starts crying while telling me how good her in-laws were to her also. I finally had to write the check out for her and enter the amount in the register. Took her about 5minutes to sign it. Well I still got my oil changed and my trailer fixed.
It was a typical, lazy, Sunday. I finished making my welder cart and now all I have left is to touch up the paint. Pardon the first pic... my camera is acting up. :pissed:
I went and picked up two more pallets of sod for my neighbor this morning. That makes 4 total so far and we need about another half pallet to finish the front yard. I think we got most of the pieces green side up. :D