Congrats on your ASIT-EE Jason, you lettered individual you!
My day sucked. I had two large stumps to grind and the only rental machine available was a non hydraulic walk behind rayco. My daughters school called in the middle of work to tell me that Haley had a fever of 102 so I went to get her and left my groundie to grind stumps. He is new to it and slow but some work getting done is better than no work getting done. I took Haley home, sat with her for a while and subsequently fell asleep.
When the wife came home I drove back to the job to find only the second half of the first stump finished and one large stump to go at 4:30. Sent my groundie home and channeled all my anger associated with having been shafted on the purchase of a stumpgrinder into my work. I took a big dirtbath worthy of NoBivy's air spading job, minus the environmental suit and breathing apparatus. I wondered for a moment if Valley Fever occurs in Idaho and then climbed back into my own personal nimbus of dirt, getting the job done by 6:30. Got paid, went home, talked money with the wife and now I am here.