How'd it go today?

Spliced up a split tail for Dad today, and finished my AFS. Just have to stitch it all now.

Also got to look at a small weekend job today. Tree is a 50' Sweet Gum that we pruned a year ago. Sits over a driveway and the corner of a house. Since it's a small job, Dad and I will do it ourselves. Hopefully I'll get the chance to jump up and rig the brush and some wood out!!!
Topped an oak tree this morning (partial removal). Property line tree and a huge McMansion was just built on the lot next door, within 5' of the property line and 2 stories tall. Couldn't get a removal permit so we just 'trimmed' it.

Second job was also a property line tree. An old oak that needs to come out. The owner of 60% of the tree does not want to do anything with it but the other neighbor had us remove everything we could. I flatlined it as instructed.

Been buying service stuff for the trucks. Air filters, hydraulic filter, coolant, etc. Flushed the pickup coolant last weekend since it's over 100K miles now. I also got enough to do the bucket truck. Got the wrong coolant the other day and swapped it out for the correct stuff today. Caterpillar requires special coolant, I ended up getting some stuff from NAPA that is specifically for heavy trucks and diesels.
I craned out 8 pines today, worked the groundie like a sombitch, he didn't complain though. I put the chipper in a shaded spot for him.

I was giving him a hard time over the radio the whole day.

Gonna have to buy him a steak and a case for the weekend.
Scott, you seem so mellow and reserved in person. It's hard for me to imagine you being the hardass type boss. :)

I'm an Asshole, at least thats what all the guys that I fired tell me. I wasn't being a dick today just razzing him over the 2 way. If anyone was listening on the frs channel today I bet they thought I was straight killing this poor guy.

Seriously, I am the type that doesn't stop moving till work is done, Just the way I roll.:D
Seriously, I am the type that doesn't stop moving till work is done, Just the way I roll.:D

Me too, if I could find a guy that could get out of the truck, put his gear on and get in a tree without digging through his lunch or gear or what ever else they seem to do I would be much more mellow!
I had a guy (21st b-day today) that came down in the bucket, walked around the house to ask if he should set a tie in for my main climber to finish the highest stuff. I said yes, duh, set him a tie in. I looked a few minutes later and he is standing beside the bucket truck, had his harness off and was pulling out the throw ball:roll: I tried hard to be nice on his b-day but thats just stoopid!
Started a clearing for a new garage going in (more like a shop or barn really) So we slaughtered some trees and brush. Have more carnage to do tomorrow, same job. Nice to have a burn day today and not have to chip it all. :)
The only trouble with working alone is that you have to do all the work. I hauled a couple of almond brush piles to the dump for a farmer today. They had been pushed out of the orchard with a brush fork and were super tight. No chipping that stuff.
Skwishey, just think about all the exposure and goodwill you're creating. This will come back in spades later in the year. The positive impressions you make now will turn into jobs and referrals later.
Yah, it's all good. Money's good. It's a little boring for my ADD personality though. About halfway through the day I feel like driving the truck off the road just so something exciting will happen.:|:
Pine sap almost shut me down today. I couldn't get my hitch to move on the rope, I had a spare hitchcord and just flipped my rope end for end. But it was still tough when I got halfway down the rope. I have the rope soaking in hot water right now.

Seems like the pitch was coming out by the gallon.
I hate how the sap cakes up underneath the muffler, by the dogs on the Huskys. Carb cleaner works pretty good, but I have to scrape it off.
Dude at the saw shop said brake cleaner is good since the residue evaporates.

I have some soil excavation to do this afternoon. My truck is still in the shop because of a part back order. :X So, I am borrowing my brother's Chevy Colorado :/:

Currently, I'm waiting for Pasific Alaska Freightways to open, so I can arrange a long distance train ride for shiny white and black metal thing.