How'd it go today?

Back from the first round of looking at trees from the storm, nothing tragic. Only one house I've seen was damaged and not bad at that. One blocked driveway, another with a tree on the house, and a couple leaning trees. This afternoon's browsing is the trees down in yards and whatknot.
I spent a bunch of money today. I got the shot out window replaced in the bucket truck for $200, the painter finished the fender and touching up the hood for another $200, and I got the other front tire replaced for $350.

On the other hand, the wacky lady who manages the storage place where I park did me a big favor to help reimburse me for the window vandalism. She shuffled some paperwork and switched me to a different parking space number for half the rent. But my truck won't fit in that space so I'll keep parking in the same spot and she will just change the number painted on the driveway to match the number on my new contract. ;) In other words, she just cut my rent from $85 per month to $45 per month. :D I'll take the $500 per year savings.
I think this is the second time that I have gone off and not checked to make sure the equipment I was taking would start. Got to the customer's house and the stump grinder wouldn't start, low bat. I'm an idiot.
My day went well, right up to the part when I talked to the third person (clients) today that told me the email they were trying to send me kept bouncing back to them, after some quick sleuthing I realized that the company I was leasing the site space etc from had ceased business, GREAT! no website, no business emails and no copy of the data as I didnt have FTP access cuz I never needed it. On the line now with the company he was leasing space from to see if there is any archived stuff from my former site.
It's a shame you can't park your bucket at home, Brian. I park a bucket on the street here no problemo
grrr. ok, 1 hour later website with new host, email rerouted and all former data lost. oh well, chit happens I guess. Suppose I get to make me a new website this weekend! yeehaw! :rockon:
the only part that sucks is the pictures I lost, there were some there that I had lost from my hard drive failure last year, as he didnt give me the password to the FTP, I couldn't peel them back off the server. Guess I will have to go take some more! :)
Sorry you're going through that Paul.... It's a pain ... but you have the right attitude about it... Just time to upgrade the site.
Good news for you Brian...
Hate it when that happens Steve. I started carrying one of those jump starter packs on my trucks this last year just in case of a day like that... Sure comes in handy...

We finished killing that bull pine. My 5/8ths bull rope still had not shown up so we had to rig out with the lighter line again so it went long. :P Still made money so I can't complain. Shorted myself by about 100.00 and I will make that back on more work I am doing over there. Pics will be in the other thread.
That sucks, Paul!

Another day, another tree died. Pics coming soon to the work pics thread. Brian, this tree should bring back memories... ;)
I murdered a huge, beautiful, healthy red oak looming over a church.

Poor tree. I woulda moved the church.
Bummer Paul.

I started wrecking a cypress out over a road with consistent traffic.

Took a good sized lead horizontal with the block, when the the piece
reached the other side of it's swing it blew the rigging spar out.

Luckily I backed it up with a shackle and sling about 6 feet down, no one died.
Damn, that's intense, Deva. :O

Once again, maybe you could take smaller pieces if your balls weren't clanking together so much. ;)

Sorry about your website, Paul. I guess I know what you're doing with your evenings this week.
I wasn't going any farther out than I had to.
As it was, I was brushing the guard rail with the brush tips.

The rope guy had three wraps, he said it didn't run.
I think maybe two wraps and some grunt woulda been fine,
he coulda let it run before climbing up another 40 feet of swing before the rigging failed.

No one got into the blame game thank god. We just carried on.
I took a pic, I'll post it tommorrow. Left my camera at work.

I was just glad I backed it up, I tend to listen to the little voice.
Last thing I want to do is kill someone, I think I'd quit if that happened.
He wouldn't have been able to let it run too far anyway, since you were already brushing the guard rail. :what:
the website can be rebuilt, my GPS unit however, which fell out of my hands when I got out of the truck today and smucked the concrete, cannot. Off to Costco tomorrow for a new one. sigh. likely the Nuvi 750 from Garmin. Guess I will be stimulating the economy a bit..
Oh Paul, when it rains it pours in Canada.

He wouldn't have been able to let it run too far anyway, since you were already brushing the guard rail. :what:

The guard rail was up on the road,
the drop zone was about 30 feet behind and 15' down grade of the rail, off the road.
I was lowering past the guard rail, well behind. There was a drop in grade.

I didn't mention that part.

I set two pull lines for the morning, we're gonna drop the two sticks.