How'd it go today?

I have this one still, lost the leg straps and put a cheapo accessory biner on the ring at the back to clip to my belt.


  • weaver leather leg scabbard2.jpg
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Would you recommend the movie?

I enjoyed it, Vin is a quite a good actor. If you watched the others, this one ties in nicely, for example, Han from Toyko Drift was in it.

The movie made over 100 mil this weekend, set a new record for highest April release. I'll probably watch it again with a friend this weekend.
took down some sudden oak death kills today and an uprooted oak that had to be climbed,
one tree sagged during removal, un nerved me a bit,
next job made it 30 ft up a sudden oak death kill, tree popped and shmoved a bit, i tied off there and winched it over,
smashed a 15 to 20 ft dogwood as a casualty, but there was not really any good holding wood,
hell we knocked 8 inches or more off the sides with an axe
was so glad to call it a day and come home.... off to a site un seen call tommorow....supposed to be cutting 3rd growth and chipping it all
I also like the scabbard Paul posted the pic of. Leather weighs a little more than the belting but it is Mo' betta-at least in dry climates. I have one old belting scabbard that has been in the family over 30 years...but that belting was different than the current belting material. The new ones aren't BAD but they get cut rather easily with razor toothed saws.
Deutz wants $1k for a tool used to measure the tension of the timing belt on the RG85. That ain't happening.

I got the tools in yesterday, going to pick the parts up now and get the grinder back together.
I missed this, what happened to your grinder. I've always heard that this is the down side of Deutz engines that when you go to repair something on them it is crazy expensive.
Broke the timing belt.

Why they have to use a belt instead of gears on an interference motor, I don't know, this is the 3rd one in 2300 hours. Deutz recommends changing them every 3k hours although some rental fleets wait until 5k.

The belt and push rods were $190. The fuggin bit to remove the safety bolt was $50 (T40 with a hole in the center).

The tools to align the cam and crank I got for a steal on Ebay for $67, they're normally a couple hundred. Why they couldn't use marks like everyone else, I don't know.

The $1k tension gauge is a simple deflection guage. There's no reason you couldn't set the tension with a torque wrench on the eccentric cam on the tensioner pulley, but belt tension isn't that critical.
Finished up the poison oak removal today, just touch up really... They already had the check ready. Then I was going to do a quick removal on two small willows. HA! Foiled! The trees he said were dead are not for the most part, just behind in budding. There is some other dead wood that needs tending but I know how is wife is about her trees.... I am going to call him and put it in the calender for next month. Then I will be able to sort them all out (and there are more than a couple, a lot more) all at once. I have an appointment today at 1 pm. Went by my ugly TD oak for tomorrow. And a pine. See if I can just get them both down in a day.
Broke the timing belt.

Why they have to use a belt instead of gears on an interference motor, I don't know, this is the 3rd one in 2300 hours. Deutz recommends changing them every 3k hours although some rental fleets wait until 5k.

The belt and push rods were $190. The fuggin bit to remove the safety bolt was $50 (T40 with a hole in the center).

The tools to align the cam and crank I got for a steal on Ebay for $67, they're normally a couple hundred. Why they couldn't use marks like everyone else, I don't know.

The $1k tension gauge is a simple deflection guage. There's no reason you couldn't set the tension with a torque wrench on the eccentric cam on the tensioner pulley, but belt tension isn't that critical.

Seems kinda dumb, they probably saved $50 in making the motor. My Dad had an old 1930's Caterpillar model RD-6 and it's motor had everything gear driven. Water pump, generator, injection pump, camshaft and fan. No belt, never wore out or required any maintenance in the life of the tractor.

Raining here. I left my guys working on a job and am trying to chase down some parts for my upcoming project. Stopped in at home to get a jacket.
Got a call from a goods buddy of mine that is the maintainence director of a 1200 acre Salvation Army retreat I do the tree work at. Asks me to come bid a 6 month project. says they already have the other bid they needed and its sky high. Says he will show me the bid and see if I can beat it and do the work.
I'm trying to tune it out of my head for the night. I've been heartbroken several times since going into business 3 years ago by some big gigs that i bid on. I am at a point where i tell myself not to even picture dollar signs in my mind cause there's a good chance it aint happening.