How'd it go today?

Check the keys for the motor shaft, that is what ended up being wrong with the woodsman, it would run fine till you put something into feed. Then it would dead stop.

The brunt of my experience working on chippers is centered on replacing keys on the motor shaft. A few times we got the wrong size and had to file them down to fit but even the exact key was always a PITA to slip it in "just right". Lots of deadwood or pushing too big of trunk through always seemed to be the culprit. 'Twas a lesson hard learned.
Finally got a chance to saw up the logs I had at work. I'm building a half new, half recycled timber frame shed. I got a pile of floor joists and planking out of a barn that was moved last year. Some of the joists will be reused as is, and some will be repurposed as braces or rafters.

I see there were a couple of OSB logs in the pile?:D:P
Leftover I-joists for another shed project. Need something quick and dirty for the garden. I've got a pile of pine dimensional lumber I sawed out last fall that I'll use to build that.
Well, squisher is foiled once again. Squisher price $675, competitor $600. Might have sold the job anyways though time will tell.

I tells ya boys the market is tiiiiiiight here so far this year.
Taking a break today. Didn't get done and sat down for lunch until 9pm last night. I need to look at the genset, but the race is on now:D
Took Bubba out and we played in the snow for a while. He finally got to make a snow man! We made three in fact. Then he "smushed" each of the as soon as we were done. Kids, I tell ya!
You still in bed?

I was up with the sun this morning. Made all the girls(cousins sleeping over too)poached eggs and blueberry pancakes and then went and did my measly quote.

I'm in good now with all the sweeties.8)
Willie, you don't like that clouded dead eye looking up at you in the strange. Not bad if you smash it between toast.
Another easy day today. Took Grandma grocery shopping while Mom cleaned her apartment. After that we came home and set up our splicing table down stairs and called one of our employees over because he's a painter and we got a bid for our big hallway. Also spliced up a eye-eye tenex cord as a adjuster for my lanyard. And tomorrow, if it isn't too wet, we'll hopefully be working a good sized removal.
Finished a brushing job up the road from me till next year :D
She hires us about two days a year to push her property out more for tree protection and thinning out the competition. I'll post some pics later. Kinda pooped and hungry right now.
My phone woke me up this morning. I thought it was another cat rescue call but it was the first of many calls for spruce and pines toppled over in last nights wind. I did the first job with Haley helping as she has been wanting to see my work. As the calls kept coming in, I handed her off to her mom and picked up Jim. He's a mormon and working on the sabbath isn't cool. All the jobs were "emergencies" but he still hid when the local newspaper photographer stopped at our job site to take pictures. I may have to write his Bishop a letter.

The second job today required a crane. My first crane job since I left California. The people had one spruce that had blown over onto the neighbors and a second that was pulling its roots up when the wind blew. I got my first crane ride in some time. I think I got photographed for the local paper. Hopefully, OSHA won't look at tomorrow's addition. We had another crane job after that. I think there may be more trees falling over tonight as it is still windy.
worked at the nursery today, sun was out, lotsa questions and such, now fixing to watch the Formula1 race I taped last night, the first race of the season, Australia. :D
Well, squisher is foiled once again. Squisher price $675, competitor $600. Might have sold the job anyways though time will tell.

I tells ya boys the market is tiiiiiiight here so far this year.

Ha, good looks and charm wins out over being late and borderline rude. I got the job at the slightly higher price.8)