How'd it go today?

Like doing mistletoe here... That moss just goes on and on.. Just don't have to cut the tree?? Bet it's messy too... Happy your working Brian... :)
Went out and cleared some more at a monthly.. Good day to burn ... Did get there late though cause it was plan D after phone calls.. This weather we have been having has pushed my schedule out.. Way out.. Good to have the work though :)
Anything over 6.5-7 hours and I'll just charge my day rate. On multiple day jobs (very rare for me) I would probably go at least 8 hours including lunch. I'm no good at trying to milk the clock.

I didn't do any hauling on that job, the homeowner wanted to clean it up himself. Today he had a 6'X12' trailer piled high with moss, and about 2 more loads still on the ground.
Speaking of day rates. What kind of hours do you normally figure in on a day rate? I like 7 hrs of actual work. That allows me to have paid lunch and a break.

If I agree to a day rate, its based on 6 hours. I've found that over six hours of saddle time is not as productive for any parties involved. Same goes for falling. I don't go to work to take a break, snack on something throughout the day.
Yeah I suck at milking the clock, Monday We knocked out 7 removals on a day rate.

Basically this nice couple we are working for gave us free reign to remove and prune what we see fit. Of course they had some things that they specified. Booked a whole week.
I have found that If I give my groundie a fifteen minute rest late day, then I get a nice push towards the end of the work day. Kind of like getting his second wind.

I'm usually moving nonstop allday, even during lunch I am usually driving the mini moving something, or dumping the truck, whatever.
i got paid to not bid a job:) guy gave the job to someone else before i called to tell him i was coming over. he said he was going to mail me a check since he already gave the job away. 30 bucks showed up in the mail today:/:
You guys are saying that you take no break, may not stop for lunch, and if you do, it's just a short break? I can't say that I've never done that, but on a regular basis, it amazes me to read that. Breaks are super important here, must be more a cultural thing...? The customers often put out a great spread during tea break and lunch, very enjoyable! When someone comes outside and says that they have prepared something for us, it always means we will be taking a break soon. Not doing so, would be considered impolite. Some of these farmer mama sans can cook up a storm. Most of them have never spoken to a foreigner, let alone have one slurping up their grits. :) If I compliment them on the taste, I often get a package to take home, too.:D
The only time I've ever taken official breaks was when I worked for a company that automatically deducted 2.5 hours (for a daily 30 min lunch) from the total hours for that week.
Many times a crane will be involved, so definitely no breaks then. And it's a rare thing for a customer to do more than offer coffee, if that. Taken breaks just delays me going home.
I must be strange, it doesn't make much difference to me if I get home at 4, or at 7. Actually prefer the later. :roll: The only thing I appreciate about finishing up early, is the extra time to work on saws and stuff, if stringing a lot of tree work days together.
Yup, riding around killing time just because you're on the clock absolutely sucks. But so many people love to think along those lines, that's why I can't stomach the idea of working as an employee ever again. I hate being stuck in that situation and I'm the bad guy if I insist I either work or go home.
I used to work through my lunch breaks, this always irritated my visiting labmate from Czechoslovakia. He said this was a very 'American' way of working. I said, 'yup'.....and kept on. IMHO, he didn't get a hell of a lot done anyways.

Today's already kids have given me a nasty head/chest cold....its snowing outside....and I should have encouraged my husband to put a cab on the tractor years ago when he wanted to. But NooooOOOOooooo, I LIKE to be outside............what a load of bs.............. :roll:
the crew has a right to 2 15 minute paid breaks and a half hour un paid lunch and i tell them that. i also tell them if they want to eat on the run ill pay them through lunch and they can go home 1/2 hour sooner. i hate trying to get restarted after a lunch break
Yeah, it is a little drag azz right after lunch, especially after a little snooze. Ours is an hour.

What do you guys think about one of your crew sitting down on their own accord for a couple 2-3 minutes break, when they feel the need. Assuming they work hard and the timing isn't messing anything up, are you cool with that?
Them taking quick breaks is fine... I would rather they keep good footing and good attention and if that's what they need to do to be that... Yup. Especially in the heat, I make them take water breaks regular... But when I am in the tree.. No break save water for me. They have to alternate on the ground.
When I was still in the biz, we took a morning break 10min, lunch 1/2 hour, and another 10 in the afternoon. Special circumstances we would adjust to fit. We worked from 7:00 am, until at least 5:00, and sometimes much later. When I went out on my own, I used to team up with a friend of mine. We'd send the crew home at 5:00, and work til we couldn't see, and drive back to the shop in the dark. Anyone making any noise during break or lunch would be severely reprimanded. I can see hammering out the job and getting it done, if that's all you've got on for the day, but taking breaks has other benefits. I like Jay's approach, a brief opportunity to be civilized for a few minutes. When working alone, not so important.
Reads like Dave is almost saying that tree workers aren't civilized when they are working :lol: Think there is some truth in that :)
Hey, I'm not always all that civilized, regardless of what I'm doing.;) I prefer to have a little silence once in a while and catch up on things with my coworkers, that's all. These days, I go down to the Bagel shop with the guy I work with, and we sit at real tables, with real chairs and eat hot food. I've kinda gotten tired of freezing my ass to the fenders on the trailer this time of year.:lol: