How'd it go today?

home builders assoication. hundreds of contractors in their booths selling products and services to thousands of people. one of my more succesful marketing tools, i do it twice a year
Flopped a couple of decent white oaks (30ish and 38ish" dbh), cut trunk into a couple of manageable pieces, and got paid. Made enough to cover the 1/2" drill I bought (link) today, my dinner, and expenses. It turned a 3 1/4" hole saw through 1/2" plate without an issue. The website shows a 3" capacity, the manual says 4".

Anywho, fixing to head out to the shop and cut out the spring purches and get them welded up.

I might take that 1/2" back and get this or a Super Hawg instead.
Just got back from the quikie trim, two limbs :D
One canyon oak and one ponderosa..
Never got above 30-35 feet.. HAHAA
Paid good and got a tip.. He also scheduled me for dead wooding all his pines :D (I did the one ponderosa on my way up ;) )
Chip the material from today when we go back for the other trees.
Love this guy .... He's good for my ego and wallet :) Keeps sending us work also ..
Just got back from dinner. A treebuzz guy is in town, so we met up with him when he got off work(came down for a week to see his sister and help other crews) Had a great chinese dinner and had a great time talking to him. Tomorrow we may get together again for a small job, and Monday he may work with us for a day, so we'll see. Would be great to work with him, and try and pick up a few new things.
You know it... Him and his wife are always so grateful and nice. Tip every time.. They live in a higher density area up here smaller lots. It's called Ponderosa Basin and I would say the name describes the scenery. They also live on a cul-de-sac so all the neighbors come out to watch and get estimates :)

Customers like that make it all worthwhile.
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Well that came and went.. Tried to beat out the storm coming in today and went 45 mins down to lower altitude. Things got worse.
40 plus MPH gusts and rain.. The winds had already broke two 4 inch branches out of the mulberry.:\: Called it a day and came home. Homeowner was just happy we showed to try and get it done. No targets critical so no worries. :D
Was a good pr ploy anyway. Starting to snow here now. They say this storm is going to be a real ride for a couple days :whine:
Tom brought his chipper out yesterday,it decided to quit running .

A wire had burned in two on the distributer,how or why I haven't a clue . As luck would have it we found a rebuilt unit at the supply house .

The old unit was so rusted up that the advance was frozen .With the new unit that 300 Ford purrs like a kitton .

We ran a little brush through it for a test .I'll have to say that auto feeder Morebark is certainly nicer to use than that old chuck and duck Lindag he was using .
Nice Willie! My phone is starting to ring for trees now too, which is nice to see seeing how it's still snowing a bit here and there and a foot or two of the white stuff still on the ground.
Hmm gotta get my bid together for the city chipping contract here again. It's bid straight hourly, based on 10hr days. About 2-3weeks of steady work.

Last year I went in with my chip/bucket truck and my bandit 250 with two guys at $125/hr and got nothing.

They've invited me to bid again this year and now I'm wondering if I should shave a little off that or go the same? Usually I bill at $150/hr for the same rigging or bringing my mini/dumptrailer along if need be.

I don't want to screw myself by working cheap but it would be a nice couple of weeks of work? Decisions, decisions.
probably no crane.....95 feet from set up. 2 large white pines and two little, I may have to kick it old school on this one...........maybe crane though, depends on the neighbors feeling bout us using thier driveway:what:
Lol maybe? My big log is gone, loaded on a trailer and left no milling at my place.

White pine doesn't re-grow here very well, nice trees though for a pine.
Pruned a Kwanzan Cherry, and a Maple back away from a roof at one house. Down the street took down an Elm, and a small Red Maple. This neighborhood has been great, 10k in a row at the 4 houses. Looked at 2 more trees for one guy, and another at the other guys daughters house. Woo woo.
Rained and snowed out again...
But booked another two days in March with a client :)
Katy is preparing to sell some eggs...
Rob is baking bread...
Probably gonna make some home made pizza tonight ....
Kids are getting house foundered as are us adults.
And I am typing like Darkstar... Oh hell...:|:
Skwishey, we had those 10 hour days on the Kentucky FEMA contract as well. Seems common to take your normal 8 hour daily rate and then stretch it to 10 hours for your hourly rate. $150 per hour times 8 is $1200, so your $120-$125 hourly rate should be about right. Remember though, government work is NEVER fast. ;)
Put on my hooks for the first time today in quite awhile. Man I am sore already. Took down a semi mature ash that they built a barn around years ago. literally, just started framing and building with the tree smack in the center of a stall. fekt great to be out working. Looks like i've locked up 2 week worth of work in the last week or so. Lets hope i can keep the ball rolling!
Pruned a Kwanzan Cherry, and a Maple back away from a roof at one house. Down the street took down an Elm, and a small Red Maple. This neighborhood has been great, 10k in a row at the 4 houses. Looked at 2 more trees for one guy, and another at the other guys daughters house. Woo woo.

That's how to roll, bro! :lol: