How'd it go today?

Got 2 calls to look at jobs today...One was a past customer, went and had that in the bag in no time, and the other was a joe shmoe....we'll see if i get it. 2 estimates is no big deal but i havent worked in 2 months so to me those are important estimates!
Another day with Bubba. We needed out so we went to Home Depot to exchange out a battery for my Makita tools. One of my batteries has died already:? Got there and they had ZERO batteries for them:?
Drove across town to the other Home Depot, they had the single batteries, but had clearanced out the two packs, what I had of course! They offered to refund my money on the two pack, then I could purchase two single batteries, more money.
"Ok, I have had this less than 90 days, I just want a battery that works, thats it!"
She offers me the Makita service number, I had to point out that she was writing down the number for Milwaukee tools and told her I would take care of it on my own.
But no kids tomorow, I split up and deliver some wood in the am, and go meet with a guy in the afternoon about some ACTUAL WORK!!!!!!!!!!:)
Robert has a Woodsman 15x for sale.

I kinda want it after watching a bandit 250 eat wood today.

15" chippers are the way to go. Anything bigger than that, either use a mini or leave for lumber.

I was chipping 17" pine with my Tornado Morbark 13 today (rated for 15" wood)
It was chilly but tyhings went well (mostly-I had some problems withthe stumpgrinder first thing_. Jamin did a great job on the monsters. I'll post pictures later.
Got out of the snow this am (almost crashed the f350 on black ice) and got down to lower elevation. Burned a bunch of dozer piles and got two days a month booked on the ranch there..
Came home to two pruning jobs. Might hit one tomorrow as snow supposed to come down to 1000 ft. Happens they are below that :)
Nice mulberry I thinned a couple springs ago and some Japanese Maple :)
I screwed up today. We drove into the customer's backyard first thing in the morning when the ground was frozen and firm. It was cold and snowed most of the day. At the end of the day the temperature spiked and the ground got muddy. I thought about leaving the truck and the chipper in the backyard until tomorrow morning but ultimately ignored my better thought process because I hate leaving tools on job sites. It was a mudfest leaving the yard and my back end spun and slit toward the house squishing the down spout and cracking the vinyl siding corner piece. I staged the chipper and tried once more, sliding toward the house yet again. At this point I was too close to go backward or forward and had to run home for supplies. Between jack stands and a horizontal pull on the GRCS wepulled the truck clear of the house. We put gravel down and finally got the truck out at 7:30 pm. Tomorrow we have to get the chipper out and finish the job. A friend is going to bring his 4x4 and I am going to bring a load of gravel. The owner's live in Hawaii and I need to call them soon to tell them what is up with the job. I was hoping to seem more professional.
It's called a "13," but it takes and is rated for 15". Don't ask me why. :|:

the model 13 and 15 are the same, they changed the numbers a couple years ago but are the same machine. i have a 13 also and love it. if i grow to 2 crews i think id like a smaller pruning chipper also.

that sucks darin, not a fun call to make. id wait till you had someone lined up to fix it so you could tell them when it would be done. a little more comforting i think
we did a small job this am then had an emergency call. a small oak fell in a clients driveway so we cleaned that up, took the other half down, pruned some apple trees and set up for the home show. my last show i did was before i went to boise in sept and drove all night after the show


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haha im gonna put my ugly butt in it! unless you can send me a nice one:/:
i figured you thought that butch, mine is the yellow machine:D
A month shy of 3 years and I get my first call from a company who has to use a CA to trim some trees in preparation for construction.

I am friends with the company's owners, one of the job bidders (multimillion dollar job) is a neighbor and good friend's father, their civil engineer (does bidding) went to high school with me and married a daughter of an owner.

Maybe I will re'up my cert after all.

He's been calling me to do climbing jobs for him, but he's not doing tree work full time anymore. After I left he got a job at a nursery, and doing treework part time, which is also what I'm looking into doing.

I am enjoying working for him again, he'll try some new stuff now-a-days and the pay is better.:)
I think I got a job plowing sno forthe city of Concord part time storm only Its a foot in the door
What's the deal with the home show? Is it a sort of, local business show and tell? I'd say you win with all those saws.