How'd it go today?

Medical Taxi??

Today we went and did some more clearing in a mazanita grove on a hill above Bootjack in Mariposa.
Went well, but no burn day... So staging the brush back where we cut the brush before... :P

Should have some rain by the end of the week.. Then we will have burn days again ... CARB is really pissin me off:X
stephen, running my M-I-L and GM-I-L to dr appointments.
worked in a medical marijuana garden today
Ahhhhh I gets it now .. :)

Moved piles of brush today and burned what we could... Long ass drag on a bad slope and over rocks.... We had it all staged prior for chipping on top of the house pad off to one side ... Home owner was going to let us use his jeep to take the chipper to the pile and make a pile of chips for his future garden (probably a garden as Willie described:/: ) Changed his mind and had us burn it 400 feet away from where it was.. Had to move it all by hand and legs :what:
Oh well.. It's work right ?:roll:
Add to the new set of rules... No scorched rocks :what:
day ended fine, the landscape association had the monthly landscapers meeting at a large GM dealership this eve. I took a Cadillac CTS for a test drive, sweet ride, lots of power and more buttons in the dash than I could figure out in 15 minutes,first Caddy I have driven, I must say a nice soft ride and power to spare. :D
Was working on another steep slope below a house today doing some limbing and clearing... Blew my ankle (not too bad) out on a rock and seems I blew out the bottom of my right boot also. Started to rain so we went and burned some piles up top of the property and stuck to flat ground.. So not a total loss... I just have to order some new boots and watch my footing ....
Trimmed mistletoe out of a small oak and thinned it as it was splitting on one codom of three at the base. Lady does not know if she wants to cable it as it is not much of a tree.. Pretty in my book though. Going to try and keep it lightened for a couple years and see how it does. Mistletoe is also heavy and it had a lot for a small tree.. Dead wooded some buckeye.. Going to go back soon as the weather clears and finish the slope.
Nice thing was a neighbor of hers came by. I went over there and I just scheduled a dead live oak removal next to his house, and a trim over the drive way of a healthy live oak.. :)
He is also talking to me about fixing the trimming his BIL did over at his mom's down the road on some cedars. :)
Turned out good day after all :)
We finished a really good job today. This week will be my best week financially since early December. Too bad all the money is spoken for.
Darin, I think all of everyone's money is spoken for in perpetuity.

I finished up a little home orchard job this AM and spoke to a garden club this afternoon. 70+ degrees F here today. It can't last but it sure is pleasant.
Pruned a big sycamore today. Massive dieback from disease, so I tried to cut out as much around what was dying back as I could. Sucks when nice big trees get fungal diseases like that. I think it's Sycamore anthracnose.

Aren't there fungicidal or bactericidal injections for that? I don't have a pesticide applicator's license, but if there's something that could keep the fungus or whatever at bay, this tree would be worth the investment.
I ripped out some evil shrubberies this morning, lined up a job with a neighbor slaying a Cottonwood and pruning a little Ash and sharpened a couple set sof stumpgrinder teeth. Not bad for a high wind day.
I'm beat!!! Bubba didn't sleep well last night, he's got a cold, so we didn't sleep well last night!
Up at 7:30 and the big party started at 9:15am.
26 kids, and 15 adults at his birthday party! A place called "pump it up", they had four of the big inflatables inside, we rented the whole place for the morning. It was CAOS!!!! I need a nap!
Boy had a BLAST!!!!! Then came home and threw up! Gonna be another long night!
A great day today!!! I finally to climb around today. 10 trees today, the most I've ever done so far!!! Had an awesome time, and the best part of it all, minimal brush dragging for me today!!
Any day you spend more time climbing than dragging is a good one.

I spent the day driving and doing bids. Picked up a couple of sure things and a couple of maybes. Angie's List is finally starting to give me some action.
The pruning class was fun and got to meet some more people that just might want that mistletoe removed ;)
So I have been on the right track so far with my pruning studies but need to not be as reserved on some of my pruning jobs... get to practice some more real soon :) Finish our orchard and then ...... I have a few bookings :)
I did one bid, came home and took a nap. The nap was fitful as someone kept asking me every ten minutes if I was going to wake up now. My number two climber Jim and I did another Friday night ski trip($10 rentals and $10 lift ticket) and that mixed with actually climbing trees again tired me out. Its a good sort of tired though. I went off of a few little jumps last night, landed a few and wiped out on a few. I am kind of surprised with myself as I am a fairly cautious person. It was good fun. I hope we get a chance to go again. I try to cultivate a friendly and fun atmosphere at work and I've taken employees canoeing, skiing and out to dinner on more than one occasion. I see a Tanager Tree Service rafting trip in our future and maybe a camping trip.