How'd it go today?

I would say he makes it sound like it makes sense... But ... I cut bull pine all the time here and that shat is pitchy as hell... Never had an issue with it.. Just clean the saw and bar regular like ya should anyway... I think hard dry aged and fire killed and dryed oak is harder on my saws than pine ... or say manzaita... oh I could name a few others... I can't believe he is doing it for the wood.. How much he sell it for ??:?
I know I could make about 5.00hr selling cord wood after all expenses... But that's in my neck of the woods... :roll:
I've never had an issue with pitch, as long as the saw was oiling properly.
I guess the problem arises when you're trying to cut pine with a dull-ass saw and it burns the pitch. Then the hot, molten pitch gets into the chain and bar groove, displacing the oil and gumming up the works. I've watched too many inexperienced sawyers and the common theme amongst all of them is a dull, overtensioned chain with smoke coming off the tip on big cuts.

And the worst part is that not a single one of them will admit that their chain is too dull. :roll:
I know the type, Skwerl.

I can get three weeks of logging out of a chain before it even needs a file. Unless someone else cuts with it, that is. :/:
I know the type, Skwerl.

I can get three weeks of logging out of a chain before it even needs a file. Unless someone else cuts with it, that is. :/:

But we try and keep him away from the good saws.:D

Sounds like some sort of idiot-homeowner-engineer type who hasn't got a friggin' clue.
LMAO Mike... Him and that Ron guy are the only two I've ever heard say a chain is "used up"... 10 minutes after it's out-of-the-box new.
LMAO Mike... Him and that Ron guy are the only two I've ever heard say a chain is "used up"... 10 minutes after it's out-of-the-box new.

He asked me yesterday if he could start cutting and splitting firewood for me this week. :lol:
Now that he doesn't have his cell anymore, he's bored I take it?

I still wouldn't let him near MY saws.
Now that he doesn't have his cell anymore, he's bored I take it?

I still wouldn't let him near MY saws.

I only have a couple dozen chains. He wouldn't be able to cut for more than a day or two.

Besides, I need someone who can do more than a cord a day. My 12 year old can run the splitter better than he can.
Sad... but I know the first part is true, and I don't doubt the second, either!
Lmao, that ad and that dude is out there man. You should sub work out to him.:lol:

I was out at my dads for dinner tonight and on the way home came upon a accident. A dodge neon vs a huge ass black bear. The bear was dead but the driver of the neon was headed to the hospital. I wish I had had my camera, that bear was frigging huge!
Lmao, that just seems so ridiculous to me what that guy's doing. Up here you just go in and get a free firewood permit and drive into the bush (crown land) and firewood till your hearts content. Never would I drop and remove trees from someones land for free unless we were talking say six or more seven axle loads worth. My one partial load earlier this year was worth squat to me by the time the dust settled I shoulda brought these beauts home for firewood. I knew what it was worth though so had bid it appropriately.


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I doubt I've ever cut up more than half a dozen pines in my life but they cut like balsa compaired to oak . I didn't have any pitch problem with the saw only about what seemed to be a gallon of the sticky chit that got all over me .
I've done quite a few Al and yes, it gets all over you. It's not all that easy to clean up either. Gets on the rigging ropes and slings also.
Don't sit on the stump.....:lol::lol::lol::lol:

I had a customer do that one day. Bubble-headed ditz. Ruined her designer whatever the hell she was wearing. Oddly I had just warned her about the pitch when she asked what was oozing out of the logs.