How'd it go today?

I tried to pull it out, the stump had been dug out by a backhoe but it coudn't lift it out of the hole. There was a palm tree next to it and I put a pulley in there and put a pulley on the stump for a 2 to 1 advantage but the tractor wouldn't budge it. I was really wishing that I had some blackpowder or dynamite. I was going to try and roll it out of the hole and then cut it up and load it into my trailer. The sand around there was really soft and made everything go extra hard. That crop you can see in the left hand side of the picture is sweet potatoes.
I split about 2/3 of a cord today and did some other stuff .Geeze I fiddled around twenty years to build that stupid thing and then get all my splitting caught up in a week . I have one more load in that one pile . Since it's the last I'm going to show what a cord looks like stuffed on top of a 3/4 ton pick-em up .I haven't done that in tweny years but I only have to haul it about 500 feet .
Here's a few pics form the red oak TD today. That sucker had a million leads! :whine:


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I don't know if it's just the angle of the pics or what but it looks like it's leaning towards the house no? I dunno about having that sucker hanging over me in potential hurricane territory. It does look like a beauty though.
I am not knocking you man. I am cutting a perfectly healthy willow right up on a house next week. I tried to talk the lady out of it but she is scared to death of this tree. Why all of a sudden does this happen. The friggin tree is hovering around a hundred. They built the dang house right on top of it.

She had some hacks cutting a dead pine tree cause they gave her a better price. These fockers dumped a 36 inch diameter pine across her asphalt drive lined with bricks. So now we have the job to take down the big willow oak. The pavement guys were repairing the drive yesterday. It looked like a reverse speed bump
consult this AM, estimate after, yard pruning to finish up. made supper (steak, salad, rice, toast all from scratch of course), now to research some legal mumbo jumbo cus some developer decided to excavate a house foundation 4 feet from an 87CM DBH douglas fir, took out about 40 % of the roots, sad, tree will be recommended for removal, who is gonna pay? :shifty:
I don't know if it's just the angle of the pics or what but it looks like it's leaning towards the house no? I dunno about having that sucker hanging over me in potential hurricane territory. It does look like a beauty though.

If the last couple of 'canes didn't budge it why bother.
Cause trees usually only fall down once.:D

Don't get me wrong I've got some big trees around my place. Was more wondering about the lean that appears to be there to my blurry eyes anyways :/:. If it was mine I'd probably go with the Blasters plan and live with it. Prevailing winds/exposure and whatnot would all play in the decision.
now to research some legal mumbo jumbo cus some developer decided to excavate a house foundation 4 feet from an 87CM DBH douglas fir, took out about 40 % of the roots, sad, tree will be recommended for removal, who is gonna pay? :shifty:

How'd you get called in on it Paul?
How'd you get called in on it Paul?

one of the local garden centers. The client went to city hall and basically was told to go away. his next step is call me, our next step is back to city hall then media then court. if it gets that far. :)