How'd it go today?

Hmmm 2330 and no calls. Tis safe to say it's time for bed. I'm up cleaning the cameras for tomorrow. Mom is getting re-married, and I'm the photographer/videographer, so half day at work, only.
OTG, way cool. I hope it works out for you and yours. :) ours started a high pitched squeal for no reason at about 0830, fell asleep around 0915 when we left the pace we weere visiting. :) cool beans.
Congrats OTG.
Finished the clean up of yesterday's willow and slaughtered a pine. Clutch is cratering yet again on the chipper. Harry the firewood guy called to let me know that the pivot bearing on his knuckleboom cratered so he won't be available tomorrow for a pickup so I postponed felling a 3+ cord Cottonwood down by the river.
Some good sized oaks today,

Workin' for a contractor at his house, really nice folks.

He wanted a 25' X 24" stem removed from his neighbors monster oak. His neighbor said it was all good, we could do what we wanted.

He asked, "can ya' cut it back to the trunk? (just like someone did to his monster tree)

Carefully told him of some drawbacks and lucky for me he was understanding.

Took 1.5 hrs. Didn't break a sweat. Mostly pruner work.

Pretty cool trees, I gotta' couple questions about em'. I'll try to get some pics tomorrow.
I just got a call from my father. First time he's called me in two years. I didn't even recognize his voice at first. He wanted to know if I was interested in looking at a tree job for a friend from his church, but didn't have his name or phone number. He said he'd see the guy in church tomorrow and get the info to pass along to me, and I said "Why don't you just give him my number?" My dad always wants to be in the driver's seat, even when he can't do anything being in control.

Oh, and he didn't ask me how I was doing or mention anything personal whatsoever. But as an afterthought he invited me to Thanksgiving dinner. For some reason he thinks getting together for the holidays makes us 'family'. :roll: I didn't give him an answer.
Wow Brian,

What a downer. Maybe there'll be really good turkey and stuffing.

I just finished for today, removed some twisted tight spindly monterey pines today. Wore me out by 2 a clock.

I worked yesterday too, my day off I rigged and cut like 8, 50' monterey pine sticks for a 70 ton crane.
4' sections were like 2600 lbs, a lot of cuts with long pics for the crane.

I almost lost my breath at one point, I think it was the heat.
Anybody need a bucket truck and operator for a few days or a week? I need to GTF outta town and do something before I go stir crazy.

Deva, sorry you got overheated. Musta been what, 78 degrees or so? :P 8)
Dead as a doornail here. 'Back to school blues' has my phone idle. I did one small 2 hour job Tuesday morning, last job before that was last Thursday.
Sorry Brian. My nephew the musician's Dad couldn't be bothered to even call him on his 30th birthday, much less send him a present or card or anything. I'm getting kind of dead here also. I have a $8500 trim for an apartment complex that I understand I am the low bidder on but am waiting for approval. People have been calling but no one is scheduling. I got my little stumpgrinder going today and did 3 stumps with it for the takedowns that I did on thursday. I feel like I climbed Mr. Everest not ground 3 stumps.
Ha! Mr. Everest.

Brian, your dad is never going to do right by you so why not have fun and cross dress for Thanksgiving dinner. Life's too short, have some fun at the old man's expense.
Trimmed 2 ash, removed a spruce and ground 3 stumps.
Sorry things ain't good between you and your dad, Brian, but I seldom pass on a free dinner :)
did a consult this morning for about an hour, went to my sisters place and grabbed my 5 year old nephew. Strapped him in to his boster seat in the back bench of my truck and we went to the grocery store. Bought up some veggies and dip mix on his choices, went to White Spot and parked the trucked out back for an 'in vehicle' lunch of burger and fries (kids meal- pirate pack), went back to their place and washed up the veggies and made the dip (he did all the work whilest I gave him direction and encouragement). Welcomed the rest of the family over for my sisters day after birthday get together and made sure everyone knew how much work he had done. :)

Then had to promise to take his little sister out for a day trip one on one, she wants to go to chuck E cheese, I told her you bet, its up to you. :D
Things went good yesterday .Had a party for my wifes' 80 year old aunt .Long story but this lady nearly raised my wife .

My damned water heater sprung a leak .The stupid thing is about 9 years old .I figured it would die on the vine before it's appointed time because I had pulled the zink rod out of it . The damned thing caused a reaction with the water and it had a nasty sulpher smell which was nausiating .
Oh well ,off to Lowes when they open and buy a new one .It's only money .
There are a lot of factors to consider regarding how long they last .The biggest is the ph of the water .

My water has 4.5 parts per million of clear water iron and it runs throuh an iron filter plus a softner to get that stuff out . In addition there is a certain amount of residue from minerals other than iron that find it's way past the treatments and chemically work on the plumbing .

It's just one of the things you deal with living over top of an oil field I guess .Actually I doubt the oil has a thing to do with it .