How'd it go today?

Hmm. Itchy 'er then hell right abouts now :(. Today I broke a cement planter with a bad bounce off the last big limb on a willow. A cement 'wagon'. Thing was brittler than hell, broke one of the wheels:(.

I'm blaming it on the PI irritation :/:

Brian, I don't remember saying I was immune to the PI but I may have. And I suppose now my cocky ass would be paying for those flippant remarks if I had made them.:D
Seriously, it really works. I could hunt around for where I read that, but just take my word on it. Even a half water mix like the site advised, will whiten your clothes. I have about a half dozen t-shirts all white down one side now.

You want to start drying out the rash asap, that's what the bleach does. it didn't burn me at all, and I have sensitive skin :roll:
I just pulled this off the web. There are about a zillion remedies listed, but this worked for me:

Bleach Household bleach can be used to remove the poison ivy resin and treat the itch. Dab the affected area with a cotton ball soaked in a mixture of half water/half bleach. If you put this solution on blisters, they should be gone the next day. Should the above remedy irritate your skin, try making a wet compress and add some table salt or Epsom salts to the mixture, and apply for 30 minutes. This will help dry out the area.

I just put it on with my fingers, guess I'm kind of crude like that. 3 or four times per day.
I had a groundie that would scrach it and spray BRAKE CLEAN ahhhh!!! but I gess it worked for him
Long ago, I would put it in my bathwater and soak. After awhile I noticed that it was bleaching all the hair off my body, lol.
day went well, was at a 5 hour meeting for the apprentice program steering committee I am on, did a consult then got a call, the SME (subject matter experts) workshop is tomorrow and we had 4 or 5 short notice cancellations so I have been asked to attend (along with another committee member) when we werent planning on doing so. I have stated that I am not an expert in many things that go with a climbing arborist but they have asked me to come in anyways for my input. cool. likely a 10 or more hour day in a conference room with 15 other arborists. to be honest I am really happy to be involved with the program as much as I am, I hope it gets to fruition and starts churning out qualified climbing arborist journeymen (do I have to say journeypersons these days?).

I am reviewing the blocks at the moment with the subtasks, should make for an interesting day. :)
squishy, black permanant marker is the trick. just rub it where it itches and youllforget all about it.
good day, had a road closure to wreck 4 american elms. guys go back tommorrow to finish loading the wood with a closure and a half dozen small pine removals
It went fine but I'm SORE. I think it has been 2 months since I did a serious climb. ( I'm a bucket baby now). Today I had 2 Cottonwoods without bucket access. I was able to traverse into the second tree but I also had to do a traverse in the original ascent tree to install a cable and then do some yoyoing to clean out the dead on both trees. My shoulders are sore.
We had a little drama yesterday. I went to Jackson to do the berryvine removal (78 miles away) and on the way home in Waterloo just east of Stockton I was driving the bucket truck and my two groundies were driving behind me in my pickup. They call me on the phone about 3 times and I can't hear them so I finally just pull over. Well Freddie is having some sort of attack, his arms and face are cold and numb, and he has tightness in his chest and stomach. I call 911 and in about 10 minutes the ambulance and fire truck are there. They diagnose it as a panic attack and after a while he calms down and declines to be transported so we are on our way again. We get another 20 miles and it starts again now we are in Manteca and this time it takes a little longer for the fire truck and ambulance to get there. He face was all grimaced up and he kept clenching and opening his hands and was really scared. This time he was transported to the hospital and I had to call his wife and tell her what was up. It was my birthday and my family was waiting for me to get home so we could have dinner together. I finally made it about 8:30.
We had a little drama yesterday. I went to Jackson to do the berryvine removal (78 miles away) and on the way home in Waterloo just east of Stockton I was driving the bucket truck and my two groundies were driving behind me in my pickup. They call me on the phone about 3 times and I can't hear them so I finally just pull over. Well Freddie is having some sort of attack, his arms and face are cold and numb, and he has tightness in his chest and stomach. I call 911 and in about 10 minutes the ambulance and fire truck are there. They diagnose it as a panic attack and after a while he calms down and declines to be transported so we are on our way again. We get another 20 miles and it starts again now we are in Manteca and this time it takes a little longer for the fire truck and ambulance to get there. He face was all grimaced up and he kept clenching and opening his hands and was really scared. This time he was transported to the hospital and I had to call his wife and tell her what was up. It was my birthday and my family was waiting for me to get home so we could have dinner together. I finally made it about 8:30.

Holy crap! :\:
Sorry Steve!! Thats jacked!

Not going to get into work, other than they threatend to fire me, again.

Wolf is bad, he can barely walk, and cannot stay standing up while eating.
We see the vet in the am. He's 15, I don't expect a good prognosis.