How'd it go today?

English walnuts around here get husk maggot. It makes them black and slimy - the same as black walnuts get. The best idea I have had, but havent tested yet, is a frame with hardware cloth on both sides and use a powerwasher on them. You can get it off by hand but it is slow and messy.

You should try black walnuts (just a little) in brownies or cakes. MMMMM
calomine lotion or buttermilk bath time, no wait, thats for skeeter bites or is it sunburn? Cant help you with the PI, I dont think it grows down here.
I've been doing some googling. It's the same 'juice' as the poison oak. 1-3 weeks of itchyness I guess. I just hope it doesn't get any worse. Not bad right now, light rash with a few blisters.
Sorry to hear that Squishey. I thought it didn't affect you? Oh well, I guess it does now. Just try not to scratch the blisters open. Buy a tube of hydrocortisone cream and use it every time you want to scratch.

Bummer about the rash. I had some exposure recently and got a nice swath under my arm. I have had it a number of times, and the best treatment I've found is to take household laundry bleach and dilute it in half with water. Apply that three or four times a day and it dries out the rash and also stops the itching. The swelling and rash I had was all better in a week. I read that treatment on the net recently.

One more thing you can do if it is like itch city, is to expose the rash to as hot water as you can stand in the shower. It itches even more while doing that, but after, the itching is gone for a number of hours. I did that before bed.
A home-remedy I have used in the past ( I can smell poison ivy at 100 yards now after having it several times) is jewel weed. It usually grows in the same area as poison ivy. Tall plant (about 4 feet) with small orange flowers. The stems are hollow. You crush the stems and rub the sap on the itch. Works as well as calamine lotion.
Yeah, that's the problem with the stuff, not knowing you've touched it. I usually think it's a mosquito bite at first, then it starts to grow :O

I read that if you know that you have been in contact soon after, the poison washes right off with plain water.
You just have to train your eye. Any hairy vines-take a closer look. Green glossy leaves with a notch on the bottom. Small emerging leaves are a reddish color. Keep studying it in all its forms and you will learn to spot it at a distance.
I don't spend much time in the woods. I live and work in Suburbia. About the only way I know it is "leaves of three, leave it be". :scratch:
You are right WWB. It washes off with soap and water. It doesn't have to be any special soap-just one that will remove oil as that is what the plant leaves on your skin.

Long sleeve shirts are out for me, so that might be a good reason to bring water and soap down every couple hours, when working in the woods and there is a lot around. I can already hear the comments, "Man, that dude likes to be clean!"
TC, english walnuts can be hulled by hand, wear gloves, and dry them in the sun until they are dry enough (you can tell). They are much too delicate to drive over. We have husk fly here also as do most areas with sandy soil. The neighbor sprayed my orchard for them for a mere $223:O. They can also get codling moth, mites, and sometimes blight.

Good luck Che.
Today sucked:X I went to the hand specialist for swelling in my wrist that has been happening for about a month. On the way in a friend of mine who works for a big crane company called to let me know a front was coming through with 60+ mph winds.:whine:

The doctor drained the fluid, filled me up with cortizone, and sent me on my way.

I turned on my cell and it was blowin'up:cry:

Trees down everywhere! but because I'm injured I am relegated to dispatch duty:|:
Today sucked:X I went to the hand specialist for swelling in my wrist that has been happening for about a month. On the way in a friend of mine who works for a big crane company called to let me know a front was coming through with 60+ mph winds.:whine:

The doctor drained the fluid, filled me up with cortizone, and sent me on my way.

I turned on my cell and it was blowin'up:cry:

Trees down everywhere! but because I'm injured I am relegated to dispatch duty:|:

I know, I saw on the weather channel Boston was about to get hit. Take care of that wrist.