How'd it go today?

I took my climber and 1 ground guy to an apartment complex that I have been putting off for a long time and while they were working there me and the other guy went to Delhi (20 miles in the other direction) and ground 3 stumps. Then we went back to Modesto with the forestry truck and chipped all their brush. Now I'm off to do bids. Go Squish, sounds like the underbidder is not getting to you. LJ, I thought you were going to say you smashed a hole in the deck or something.
And I'm getting calls from all sorts of high end clients right now. Looks like by holding my line and demanding good pay for good work I've managed to market myself towards my target clientele. People with money!:D

I love the calls that are 'just come and do it then bill us' rather than the nitpickers.8)

Funny how that works, huh? 8)
sounds like the underbidder is not getting to you.

No sign of that guy at all and I heard half of his crew is only working part-time right now? I still can't beleive I landed the strata job as I'm quite certain he musta been in on the bidding too?

Oh vell I ain't gonna worry about it for now, that dude was getting to me a bit when he scooped me on a couple jobs and a municipal gig but I'm busy enough.
Lmao, well thanks for cursing me Steve!:P

Strata property management just called me to apologize for ok'ing the work(earlier today) as they had mistakenly called me. I was not low bidder.:lol:

I'd be pissed if I wasn't staying so busy already, I was really wondering how I coulda been low bidder on that job.:?
busted a sweat on the end of a shovel all day today, but at a good hourly and helping a friend get a big project done, its all good. Got to use our NEW big ass awesome BBQ today again too. :) A photo shoot will happen likely tomorrow, think 84,000 BTU's rotisserie, side burner, stainless steel.... :D and it was a GIFT!
Got the college project wrapped up today, except for grinding two stumps. Waiting for the rains on friday to knock that back.

Scored some turf tires for the A300. Half price of new set. Three years in the making. Tomorrows job pruning a champion beech tree and a rather large live oak. Free lunch to boot.
Picked up the truck yesterday all fixed from brake screw up. Had fun with a dead oak today (NOT) and delivered the cord of wood from it to a customer (my chiropractor). So all in all, not a great day but a good day. I had to remove two electrical lines from the tree first which included climbing the oak to get them. Home owner was not sure where the power was for the barn connected to the wires and did not want me to shut main off. He went to store, main got shut off.... WHO ME???? hehehe... got er done though:) Tomorrow I go to Merced with the chipper and see what Honda has to say about the motor that failed.. Pick up another 22 fence posts, groceries etc.
Ha Steve, I was trying to mislead the direction of the story.

In breaking news, I just got a 3 day job lined up to start Monday, fixing to run a contract over there. :)

Today was the first day of class, what pain, only one attactive girl in my Cal 1 class :(

After this semester I'll be a skant 95 hours shy (grad December 2011, maybe) of a BS in Mech Engineering! Cal 2 and Physics 1 next semester, found out I have to have physics 1-3, I thought I only had to have 1&2.