How'd it go today?

Got to stake a house today. First time in awhile I've done something that felt like work. Had a visitor at the office...


That's Daphne. Boss' daughter got her cause she's getting rid of a couple of the baby boys, and wanted a girl to keep the other baby girl company. She's got a lot of goats now :^D

Brought the chipper home cause I'll need it over the weekend, and it'll save an out of the way drive. Took the opportunity to haul stuff from the back to the front for chipping. That's irritating as shit. Most of it started out front, was hauled to the back, then back to the front for chipping. I didn't get it all, but it feels less overwhelming now. Debating on trimming up bushes while the chipper's here. I don't feel like it, but now's the easiest it'll be for awhile.
I'd replace some of the metal box with plastic or wood to better transmit signal, or run an extension antenna to the outside of the box.
Gigabit fiber at my parent's house. Point to point bridge from the house (400') to the sawmill. Car battery on a cheap pure sine wave inverter and a cheap gigabit wifi router.
I'm going to build something. Possibly a small toolshed. Even with the lid down, that's better than most people's internet.

As I'm standing here in the dark, car running, the raccoons that vacated the grain building when I got here, are sneaking back in. I turned my flashlight on, and there was a big ol raccoon standing ten feet away, mid-step, one paw in the air. :/:
I seem to remember internet speed gets halved with each bridge. I don't know why that would be, or if it was (ever)right. I was looking into it ~20 years ago, but never did anything.
Not sure about the bridge, but I know when we first got fiber in 2016 they explained that a tethered device would see almost all of the gigabit, but anything wifi would be half due to it switching between sending and receiving. My cell phone was at 400 up and down. The tech's tethered laptop was 930 mbps. He said there was some firewall stuff that kept you from seeing the full 1,000, but as the laptop learned your internet, it should get a little closer. He said that his previous install, the customer had some sort of gaming computer with no firewalls that was at 1,100 mbps, and he didn't even know how that was possible. :/:
Fox just showed up again, and seemed reluctant to leave, even after Spot's insistence. I intervened by opening the door. Holy hell, a fox scream is something else. That fox is pretty big. Even now, I'm thinking "coyote?", but I'm nearly 100% certain it's fox. It would be nice to examine it in a non tense situation. So far my encounters have been with it harassing Spot, or running straight at me.
It's coat is weird; almost German shepherd like in color, and it's fairly short. I'm guessing it looks gnarly due to the transition to summer coat. The coat color, and it's height are what give me pause. If someone told me it was a fox\coyote hybrid, I wouldn't be a bit surprised. Dunno if that's even possible. Face definitely says fox.
We have a lot of foxes around here. Almost always red, but I did see one family about four years ago that was fully gray. They are smart enough to get out of the road, but only just enough. I'm guessing they have litters they need to feed and are hunting non-stop.
Yesterday I learned how to do tree injections, or at least one variation on the theme. Today I believe we're going back out to forest lakes to drop some beetle kills. Homeowner also needs a significant amount of mistletoe remediation.

Looked at a pair of big ponderosas yesterday, one removal, the other is in decline. We're hoping that thinning and a few injections will help it recover. We're injecting that one today, if they decide to do the deadwood and canopy lift, then I'll be showing the boss how to climb spurless, something he desperately needs to learn.

This weekend will be another trip to Springerville, the willows are on hold while I deal with a dead Cottonwood threatening Danni's house. It's nasty, so I'll have to tie into the healthy tree next to it. Should prove interesting. I'll try to be better about before and after pics this time...
Does boss take a real interest in this stuff? I ask, cause it seems like climbing spurless is something you'd run across on the web, and you'd think "Hey, I want to try that!". That's how I got into this stuff. Looking around the web for saw stuff, seeing climbing, thinking it look fun and interesting, and finding out everything I could about it.
Did a search of whether or not foxes and coyotes can hybridize(they cannot). and it linked to another page discussing the difference between mange and shedding. My fox looks similar to top pic showing a shedding fox. It's not exactly the same, but it satisfies my question on it's appearance.



Mange vs. Shedding in Foxes -
It looks like I'm going to need a charger for my internet battery at the sawmill. I was hoping I could charge it off a piece of machinery, but that doesn't look feasible at this point. Tractor Supply had a solar trickle charger for about $15 per watt, with unknown battery management. Amazon has a solar battery charger with mppt controller for about $1.29 per watt. I don’t know how much I need, but I know how much I'm going to use. :/: