Woods walker
Mixed bag, John. It isn't real high on btu content, but it coals very nicely and doesn't pop embers about. If you have a fireplace, especially for atmosphere rather than actually trying to heat your home, it is very nice for that. We use a wood stove, so alder isn't one we hunt down purposely, but when presented with some, we surely will burn it and be happy about itHow is alder as a firewood? I see it listed as a fish smoking wood fairly often.

It is a nice smoking wood. I usually use vine maple myself, but certainly have used red alder many a time.
We did go back and followed up on the powerline clearance crew, got another full load, half red alder and half Douglas fir. There is about another half to 3/4 of a load of DF there, so we'll likely get that tomorrow or Monday.